02 January 2007

Here's looking at 2007...and looking back at 2006.

Hard to believe 2006 is over already. I can't quite figure out how the year went by so fast, but maybe it's because I've been so busy:) Real quick first though, I've got photos, top album blurbs and reviews to foist on you all:
  • My review and photos from the MCR show are a featured review on Revolt! Woot! Read it here & check out the pics.
  • My review of Spitalfield's album is up at Revolt too...wow it was bad.
  • My blurb on The Raconteurs' Broken Boy Soldiers (which made Static's top 10 albums of the year-woot!) is up at Static.
Weirdly enough, I don't really have many shows on the radar at the moment. At least not in the immediate future. However, The Hard Lessons are going to be doing a show at The Blind Pig at the end of January that I'd like to check out. Husband, Wife and I saw them open up at the 89x Show and they were pretty cool (and I saw them just hanging out at the AAR show which was sort of neat). Harry and I have our plane tix for New York, so Bamboozle is a certainty (woo hoo!) and we'll be covering Taste of Chaos at the beginning of March (we're already on the guetslist to see The Used, 30 Seconds to Mars, Aiden...), so that will be pretty sweet.

Ah, now for New Year's Eve and it's aftermath....Jon invited me to a party at Kelly & Peter's house so we headed out to Ferndale with Fina in tow. It was a ridiculous amount of fun, his friends are great and really welcoming. I was very nervous before getting there, I generally don't feel too comfortable going into situations where I know one person, but they were awesome. However, maybe I should resolve to give up red wine for the new year... :) I have no idea what time everyone finally went to bed but I do know that I was sending text messages at 4:49 am and that was still at least half an hour to an hour before things wound down. No wonder I felt a bit like death the next day... Also, Kelly & Peter have the most awesome Pomeranian, Telly. I wanted to just put her in my purse and take her home. She amused me to no end:)

We headed back home to pretty much turn around again and go to Husband and Wife's for a Rose Bowl party. Now, I'm not much of a football fan, and the loss SUCKED, but I think everyone had a great time, even those of us who aren't terribly into sports:) The food was great (especially husband's buffalo wings...mmmmm) and by that point I really didn't feel like death anymore, so it was good.

Thinking about 2006...well, it had its good points and its bad points, that's for sure. Having no *real* job for the first half of it pretty much sucked. However, starting all my writing for Revolt & Static really made up for the fact that I had a shit job where I was treated like an idiot most of the time. I feel like I've got some really good friends to hang out with and, somewhat surprisingly, made more when I started teaching again (at the last high school I worked at, the staff was very closed to new people & I had one friend on the staff, that was it). I've really begun to see who of the people I thought were friends really are, and who probably isn't so much of a friend anymore (as sad as that is). I've seen a ridiculous amount of live music-sometimes with friends, sometimes alone. I love that I've gotten back into photography, and concert photography at that. And I'm not much of a resolution person, but looking at the ones I made last year, I think I actually did pretty well:

1. Be more brave (which relates to #2) I think I've gotten a lot more brave. I mean, I'm still quite shy, but I've done a lot of new things this year, so I feel good about this. However, I think I'll carry it over into 2007. Never hurts to be more brave (esp. for me).
2. Try new things (um, I'm not talking new things like skydiving, more like, new restaurants, new places, new music, books, bars, etc.) Yup, lotsa new things this year...more in 2007:)
3. Get in shape (yeah, I know, me and everyone else, but I've got a gym membership now, so more impetus to get off my ass) Ok, now this I was doing really well with until I got a real job and had to drive to MSU 2 nights a week. Now that MSU is finished, I've got to get my ass back to the gym.
4. Go to NYC/do some more travelling (sort of goes back to #1 & 2) Um, hello...I think the trip to NYC in May and the trip to Italy in July should count since the plans were made in 2006.
5. See more live music Sheesh, just read the blog entries from the last year:)
6. Get a real job--hopefully a journalism or good teaching job Done and done.
7. Get a tattoo?? (goes back to #1 and #3...) have to think more on this one. Two! Thinking about a third...

You know, I feel quite good about 2006, at least the second half of it. I'm feeling pretty good about 2007 for lots of reasons too. Maybe this year will be a good one, maybe not, but right now things are going well and I'm really happy, so I'll just go with it :)
Listening to: A Heartwell Ending, Trust Us We Lie

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