31 May 2006

Free Beer!

Hah, gotcha. Just thought I'd pass the message below along in case there's anyone besides Husband, Wife and Ben that actually read my blog ;)

Also, I am drooling over The Automatic's song "Monster," it's fucking brilliant. I am not happy that the single doesn't come out till next week and the album later in June. Go rock your ears and listen to it on their myspace page.

Revolt Media is looking for bands and musicians to help us out by writing Guest Editor Notes! If you are a band or musician, or a singer of a band, a guitar player in a band, a drummer in a band... (well, you get the idea) - WE WANT YOU!We are looking for just a few paragraphs on various topics. Our current Guest Editor is Bjorn Baillie from La Rocca, who wrote a cryptic Editors Note during the band's "take over" of our website.

We are now currently looking to do a series of Guest Editor Notes from various people on various subjects.What's in it for you?Publicity, natch.Our website is currently receiving 23,000+ UNIQUE visits per month. Your band will be promoted via links to your website, Myspace profile, .mp3 streams, mentions of new albums, tour date listings - whatever you have to share. Each link will be presented at the end of your Editor's Note. You will also receive a front page mention on our website during the time period your Editor's Note runs.

If you're interested in writing a Guest Editor's Note for Revolt, please either reply to this message, or email Sherri at sherri@revolt-media.com for the list of available topics.... OR SUGGEST A TOPIC that you'd like to write about!Remember, it would only be a few paragraphs, which would just take a few minutes of your time - and in return, you could potentially reach over 23,000 new fans!PS: Please repost this if you have bands/musicians on your friends page!Tell yo mamma I said hey,Sherri Gibbons

29 May 2006

First review on Revolt!

Yay, my first review is up on the Revolt-Media webpage. I've got three more reviews coming in the next few weeks too...Check out my review of Wolfmother here. I was quite pleased, my editor was very happy with it and it only needed one or two minor changes. Woo hoo!

I've been enjoying the long weekend despite the fact that I have a Media Law exam on Wednesday (boo, hiss). Went out to the Prickley Pear with some friends, got a great sidewalk table where we sat and drank margaritas till they kicked us out. Ended up VERY hungover yesterday, but it was worth it:) Apparently my tolerance for tequila isn't quite as great as I thought. Oh well.

Too bad I've got to go back to work tomorrow. Oh, and just because I'm totally geeked about these, check out the fun shoes I got at DSW yesterday:

Hah, hah, I love em. They crack me up.
Well, off to enjoy what's left of the three day weekend!

25 May 2006

The Editors

Well, I added another concert to my calendar:) I just found out that The Editors will be at the Magic Stick in August (of course, two days before I go see The Raconteurs...why is it that I always end up seeing two shows within four or five days of each other??) and even though no one I know has heard of them, I decided to get myself a ticket and see what their live show is like. They're out of Birmingham, England and sort of akin to Joy Division (Husband, you'd probably hate them). So, that should be fun. Lots of good shows planned for the end of July, beginning of August.

The other good news is I got my FAT federal income tax refund. Woo hoo!

24 May 2006

Just an idea...

So, I've been thinking about having another party. The weather is getting nice and it might be fun to have a bbq and such. Of course, this time the parents will be home. I know they won't mind, but it can be a little more fun if they're not around. Thing is, I had so much fun planning the last one (even the shopping and cooking was fun, though the cleaning sucked:) that I'm kinda itching to do it again.

Any thoughts? And, Ben, you & Jessica better be able to come this time around ;)

Ugh, late class tonight. Media law is very interesting but it makes me pretty positive I'd never want to go to law school...
Listening to: Panic! At the Disco A Fever You Can't Sweat Out

22 May 2006

Insert clever title here

Well, the weekend was kinda boring to be honest. I really wanted to go out either Friday or Saturday night, but no one was around :( Oh well. Probably just as well.

I've already been assigned four album reviews for Revolt Media, so that's pretty fun:) Especially since a) I got to pick which albums I'm reviewing, b) this means I get free copies of a bunch of albums I've wanted to listen to, and c) my name in PRINT, duh:)
Actually, it's already in print. Sherri, my editor, has already added my name to the list of contributors. Yay!

Ugh, class late tonight. No fun...especially since we've got a quiz.

Listening to: "My Name is Trouble" Nightmare of You Nightmare of You

19 May 2006

New writing job *another victory dance*

Woo hoo! I finally got another freelance writing job (phew). It's for Revolt Media which is an online music mag. Same deal as with The Crutch-I'm not paid but I get free cd's, my name in print and clips to add to my collection for when I look for a paying job.

Yay! I was beginning to worry I wouldn't find another freelance gig.
Check out Revolt Media.
Happy Friday!

Listening to: "Dani California" Red Hot Chili Peppers Stadium Arcadium

The Raconteurs *victory dance*

Woo hoo! I got tickets to see The Raconteurs at the Michigan theater (insert little victory dance here). I got tix on the main floor too, so that's pretty sweet. I am VERY psyched about this:) It should be a sweet show and I think it's kinda cool that the only show they're playing in Michigan on this tour will be in Ann Arbor.

So glad it's Friday. Having class two nights a week, not getting back to Ann Arbor till 10pm and working every day is kicking my ass. I got this tremendous headache last night, I think it was just from sheer fatigue, that hurt so bad it made me feel like I was going to be sick :( So, I went to bed at 7pm and slept for 12 hours. I feel a lot better now but I hope that isn't going to happen every week...Ugh.

Guitar is going really well though. I'm working on a couple of new songs, "A Minor Incident" by Badly Drawn Boy, "Lines of Light" by The Subways and "Let it Rain" by Ok Go. Should keep me busy for a while:) Um, in other news, I've got a co-worker who is trying to set me up on a blind date and I'm a little nervous about the whole thing. I've never had a lot of luck with blind dates and so far haven't found that the sheer anxiety connected with those sorts of things is worth it. I told her I'd think about it...

Quick music recommendation (besides going and getting yourself a copy of Broken Boy Soldiers by The Raconteurs, duh): go get Stadium Arcadium by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. It is great. I tend to forget how good the RHCPs are, take them for granted and all. Good stuff. Check it out.

17 May 2006

Man, things have been busy, busy, busy. I started my Media Law class and so far it seems pretty interesting. I don't like having it Monday and Wednesday nights but there isn't much I can do about that. Looks like I'm going to have to learn a lot of legal terminology and I forgot how intense summer semester classes are...oh well.

Went and saw "The Notorious Bettie Page" last night. It was quite good, I liked it a lot. I agree with the reviews, that you don't really feel like you get a good look inside her head, but the filming was really cool-most of the movie was in black and white except for when they showed her in Miami, and then they did it in color. I can't believe how much Gretchen Mol looked like Bettie Page...pretty amazing. Anyways, I liked the movie a lot even if Jim and I were two of the six or so people in the theater.

I found out that The Raconteurs are coming to Ann Arbor, one of their few tour stops this summer and I really want to go see them. Tickets don't go on sale till Friday morning, so I'm going to need to be on top of that one...I feel like I'm going into concert withdrawl, but there isn't too much coming up that I really want to go see :( At least I've got tix for Warped, so I've got that to look forward to.

The only other thing going on is that I'm trying to like running. I have never liked running, I have no stamina whatsoever for it and most of the time I don't see the point. However, that said, it is good exercise and most runners have pretty good bodies...so, I'm trying to get into running. I'm terrible at it, but maybe with some time I'll actually develop some endurance when it comes to this...woo hoo (yeah, I'm really enthusiastic about this...)

Well, that's it for now. Super exciting post, I know:)

Listening to:
"Vampires Will Never Hurt You" My Chemical Romance I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love

12 May 2006

The Notorious Bettie Page and the not-so-notorious me

What a week. Total meltdown on Tuesday and on Wednesday I called in sick. It was the first time in my life that I called in sick when I wasn't really but I completely needed a mental health day or I might have seriously lost it. It was really great having a day off...I got to go to the secretary of state (woo hoo-yes, that was sarcastic), got a Mother's Day present for my mom, a birthday present for my dad and did a little retail therapy of my own ;)

I'm looking forward to the weekend even though the weather is supposed to be crappy for the next five days (or year...yay Michigan). Wife and I are checking out the brand new H & M at Briarwood on Saturday and then she and Husband are coming over for dinner on Sunday.

Unforch, classes start up again on Monday (boo, hiss) but at least I only have to drive to MSU two days a week this semester. I also got the great news that I'll only have to take one class in the fall to finish up. Yay! I don't want to do homework again though and I have the feeling that the reading for Media & Law will be on the dry side...

On the plus side, The Notorious Bettie Page has finally made it's way to Ann Arbor and I'm going to see it with Jim on Tuesday. The movie has kinda gotten mixed reviews, but I still really want to see it. There's something oddly fascinating about Bettie Page and, whether you're into boys or girls, she was pretty damn good looking. I kind of get a kick out of all those rockabilly girls that emulate Bettie Page. Of course, there are worse people you could try to look like (cough, cough, Paris Hilton, cough)...at least Bettie had curves!

Happy Friday~

05 May 2006


So, weirdly enough, I got called "emo" by a co-worker today. Here's what happened, another co-worker noticed for the first time that I had purple in my hair. My mom happened to be standing there and started making a semi-big deal out of it (mostly because my hair is three different colors right now-my natural color, whatever the hell that is; very, very dark brown, almost black; and purple). She wasn't being mean, just teasing, although I know she hates it. Anyways, this other coworker comes along as this is all going on and was like "leave her alone, she's emo." My first reaction was "I am NOT fucking emo!" But, strangely, at the same time, I was a little pleased to be called emo.

So, what's my problem with being called emo? Sure, a lot of the music I like tends to get lumped into that category, or at least the screamo category. So, what's the problem? I think part of it is that Dashboard Confessional is considered emo and I HATE Dashboard Confessional.

Anyways, I decided to look for a definition of emo. Here's what I found:
Emo: Short for emotional. Emo is a broad title that covers a lot of different styles of emotionally charged punk-rock. More on emo at What the heck *is* emo anyway?

Wikipedia gives the whole bleeding history of emo and it's way too long to re-write here. Read all about emo here.

In conclusion, I guess it doesn't bother me too much that I got called emo. Hell, there are worse things you can be called, right? :)

Also, check out Thursday's new album A City by the Light Divided (for you screamo fans;) It's really growing on me the more I listen to it.
Happy Friday!

Listening To: "Running from the Rain" Thursday A City of Light Divided

04 May 2006

Some Bad News & Some Good News

Well, I got some bad news when I checked my email this morning. Looks like the editor of The Crutch has decided to put the magazine to sleep so to speak. I believe the words were "hiatus of undetermined length" (hmm, that could sound almost dirty ;) just kidding). Yeah, so, I'm disappointed. I really liked the stuff I was getting to write. If you hear of anyone needing a freelance and/or part time writer, let me know...

The good news is, the May issue of the magazine came out today featuring (duh-duh-da!) my profile on The Oohlas and my review of the new Pretty Girls Make Graves' album "Elan Vital." Go here and download it.

Man, I'm definitely bummed about this though. Just when I get a fun writing job, the magazine folds:( Boo, hiss as Wife would say.

That's all. Let me know what you think of the May issue.

Listening to: the Foo Fighters via Virgin Extreme

03 May 2006

The End

Oh. my. god. I made it to the end of the semester. Everything got done. Nothing was late. I managed to eke (sp?) my way through the semester working only 3 days and still being able to put gas in my car. Whew. I am SO glad it's over. Don't get me wrong, I liked at least one of my classes, but I'm so braindead at this point and I want to have some FUN this weekend (hint, hint, anyone feel like going out??)

Work sucked today. I hate the people that think they can treat you like shit just because you're the shmo answering the phone. I've come to the conclusion that the worst part of that isn't the people getting pissed at you, it's having to take it and not being able to just tell them to STFU (well, I could, but then I'd get fired). Oh well. Money, money, money...

My first night with no homework? I plan on having at least two super-strong, on the rocks margaritas and vegging out....ahh, tequila...

And, just for kicks, I came across this photo of Billie Joe & Wife on ohnotheydidn't (Wife, my fellow Pink reader, check it out. You'll like it.) They're just so damn cute, I can't stand it.

Well, that's it for now...

Listening to: Hawthorne Heights-"If Only You Were Lonely"

01 May 2006

We are headed for strangeness...

Well, my last paper of the semester is done (or almost done, I just need to write the damn abstract. Problem is, I don't know how to write an abstract. See, in the English world, we don't do that a whole lot, so I'm at a bit of a loss, and right now I just don't care.) I liked the reading I had to do for it, I mean, getting to read all this great stuff by Hunter S. Thompson and Tom Wolfe and I get credit for it?! Wow...

So, I came across this description Thompson wrote about his deadlines as he was covering the 1972 presidential election. Granted, my deadline hasn't been this bad, but who hasn't had these feelings at some point when they've been up against a deadline?

"There is a comfortable kind of consistency in this kind of finish, because that's the way all the rest of the book was written. From December '71 to January '73 -- in airport bars, all-nite coffee shops and dreary hotel rooms all over the country -- there is hardly a paragraph in this jangled saga that wasn't produced in a last-minute, teeth-grinding frenzy. There was never enough time. Every deadline was a crisis. All around me were experienced professional journalists meeting deadlines far more frequent than mine, but I was never able to learn from their example...
...Any $100 an hour psychiatrist could probably explain this problem to me, in thirteen or fourteen sessions, but I don't have time for that. No doubt it has something to do with a deep-seated personality defect, or maybe a kink in whatever blood vessel leads into the pineal gland...on the other hand, it might easily be something as simple & basically perverse as whatever instinct it is that causes a jackrabbit to wait until the last possible second to dart across the road in front of a speeding car...Why not? Anything that gets the adrenalin moving like a 440 volt blast in a copper bathtub is good for the reflexes and keeps the veins free of cholesterol."
-Hunter S. Thompson Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72

Now I just need to make it through class tomorrow night, hand this sucker in, and be done with it. I think I'll grind out the abstract tomorrow at work:)