29 August 2006

New Reviews Up

Check 'em out:
The iOs at Revolt.
Eric Bachmann at Static.
Ladyfinger (ne) at Revolt.
Ratatat at Static.

And many, many more to come...
Listening to: AFI Decemberunderground

28 August 2006

In Other News...

Ok, I figured a more upbeat post was in order. But before that, thanks to Wife and Ben for the hugs:) You guys rock.

Because I don't have enough to do, I agreed to do a feature on Gatsby's American Dream for Revolt. I'll get to do an interview with them which should be cool and I probably shouldn't have agreed to do it, but features are such fun...

In other music news, rumors are flying about over MCR's third album, The Black Parade. It looks like Gerard and crew have changed their look quite a bit but the bootlegs I've heard of some of the new stuff is very cool. I can't wait to hear the new album! I'm insanely jealous of the folks in London that got to see them perform last week and got a sneak-peek of their new material. Here are a few photos of the new MCR (humor me). Caaaannn't waaaaiiit for the new albummmm... aargh.

And the first day of school?? It went quite well. I have at least one group of boys that amused me immensely. I think they'll be a handful, but they were pretty damn funny, so we'll see. I did already have one girl complaining about an assignment I gave them (which couldn't have been easier) and, of course, I'm blessed with her twice a day. Oh well. It's her grade, not mine. It's amazing how wiped out I am after only a half-day, but I guess that can be attributed to everything being so new. I like it so far, I hope the rest of the week goes well!

Oh yeah, and just to make sure I don't become too boring or conventional, I'm getting another tattoo on Friday (hee hee!) Still won't be visible with regular clothing, but I'll know it's there and I won't feel like I've sold out becoming a Catholic school teacher (or something like that). Wife is coming with to see how this whole process works, so that will be fun (well, fun for me, I don't know how fun for her:) I'm glad she's coming though!)

Righty-o. Better go to bed so I can keep up with all my students tomorrow!
Listening to: Greeley Estates Far From the Lies

27 August 2006

Weekend round-up

Well, I guess the summer is officially over. Tomorrow is the first day of school and I'm excited, nervous and bummed that summer is over :( I hope tomorrow goes well...

Friday night was a blast. I went to see "Little Miss Sunshine" with a Jim and had a hoot. The movie is ridiculously funny and smart at the same time. I highly recommend it! We went down to Conor's after the movie, snagged a table on the sidewalk and had a few beers. After that we went to the Fleetwood (haven't been there in ages). I'm glad he'll be back around town now that summer is over (yeah, I'm being selfish, so what:) The only downside to the evening was when my parents called to find out where I was. Ok, so it was 3am, but lately they've been a lot better about not doing stuff like that. It kinda was a bit of a buzzkill...grr.

The only real bummer of late has been the whole dating situation. I went on a few dates with this guy, things seemed to be going well. I liked him, he seemed smart, had a good job, was cute and seemed to have a good relationship with his family. As always seems to be my luck, because I was interested in him, he turned out to not be interested in me. Rather than just telling me this, he did that thing...you know, when the other person just never calls you back. It's like he vaporized or fell off the face of the earth. I've decided something too:

I'm so fucking sick of people doing that. Grow a spine. Be a grown-up. Just tell the other person you aren't interested instead of doing something so fucking middle-school and just disappearing. How rude. How childish. It makes me sick.

So, I'm pretty upset about the whole situation. More than I let on I think. Not so much upset about this guy in particular (though he had more potential than anyone else I've officially dated of late), but more the fact that he pulled the disappearing act and, I have, of course, internalized the whole thing and am now going through the usual questions of: What did I do wrong? Am I ugly? Did I say something I shouldn't have? Am I not rich/smart/successful/thin enough? Aargh.

Here's what else got me really upset about the whole situation (and I'll warn you in advance, I'm in a melodramatic mood). I have a few people around me that believe things happen for a reason/there's a larger plan for you etc. Ok, so if I buy into this, it seems to me that for some reason the plan for me is to DIE ALONE. What's the benefit of that?!? What did I do wrong in this life or some past life (if you believe in that) to be destined never to find someone who will fall in love with me and me with him? It just doesn't seem fair.

It doesn't help that I've been hearing a lot about people I went to HS with since I'm now working at that school. This person is married, that person is expecting twins (and is married), this other person is moving down to DC for a job with some fancy-schmancy law firm (and is married)...I mean, am I the ONLY person from my class that isn't dating someone or married? I honestly think I must be. It wouldn't be that hard, I mean, there were only 42 people in my class. Statistically, chances are not that impossible that I'm the only single one left.

There's this one person in my life who is not only a really good person, he's smart, funny, cultured and caring. He reads books. He listens to music. He's totally Ann Arbor. The problem? He is so not interested in me in that way. What else is new?

Well, I don't know what else to say about it. I just wish I could understand why, if there is a plan for each of us, why this has to be my plan. I want a fucking new plan, this one sucks.

Listening to: Dirty Pretty Things Waterloo to Anywhere

22 August 2006

Ahem...I love being right...

Did I not say, AGES ago, that Vaux was a great band? Again I find myself ahead of the curve. If you didn't listen to me then and I haven't foisted their music upon you, you can now go download their single "Are You With Me" for FREE on iTunes. Yes, you heard me right, it is the free download of the week. Go get it! (You can thank me later;)

So, it's been a busy week. Stratford was great, I absolutely love it there and it was so fun to go with Wife, who had never been there before. We saw Much Ado About Nothing and Twelfth Night, wandered around town (in the rain, ugh), visited the costume warehouse and such. Very relaxing overall. Saturday night Husband, Wife and I went to this great little bar in Stratford called Down the Street. It's ridiculously cute and swank without being pretentious and it actually reminds me a bit of the Alley Bar, only nicer. We actually made plans for the party after the Pink is the New Party party, but I'm not spilling the beans on that one yet:) Yes, you'll have to dress up, but it's gonna be SO fun:) The only bad part of the weekend was waiting to get through customs when we were coming home. It took an hour and a half to get through the border, but what can you do? Nothing, so there was no point in getting all irritated about it. C'est la vie.

This week has been all about meetings at school and getting my classroom together. I love my department head so far, she's been really great to me and ridiculously helpful. I think we're going to get along very well. It is a little weird being colleagues with teachers that were my teahcers when I was in high school, but everyone seems very excited that I'll be on staff which is really nice. I know I'll be horribly nervous on the first day of school, but I think it'll all be ok.

Well, I've still got a zillion things to do and 15 album reviews waiting for me, so, off I go.
Listening to: Ladyfinger (NE) Heavy Hands

17 August 2006

Girls Day Out

Wow...talk about shopping till we dropped. Wife and I hit the mall today, and we hit hard:) Luckily, most of the damage was done at H & M, so money-wise, it actually wasn't too bad. We both got a ton of cute stuff for school and though much of mine was still black-based, they're "grown-up" clothes. I think my mom was happy I didn't come home with another pair of cargo pants and a band t-shirt:) Seriously though, I know when and how to dress appropriately! However, I am a little sad that I'll have to semi-retire the black nailpolish...that isn't very professional, is it?? Bright red is going to have to do as a replacement for the time being. That should be the biggest of my worries, right?

As if I didn't spend enough money at the mall today, I also ordered this super cool necklace from Leviticus Jewelry. They have all sorts of sweet stuff, you should definitely check it out! Now I'm trying to convince myself that I do not need a new pair of custom Etnies. I do not need them, I do not need them, I do not need them...aargh...must...not...cave...

That being said, I will not need to buy any CDs in the near future because I have no less than SIXTEEN albums to review for Revolt and Static in the next few weeks. I'm slightly freaked out...I knew I'd be getting a couple extra from my editor at Revolt, but I wasn't expecting four extra from my editor at Static too. Yikes! I think I am going to be very, very busy.

Off to Canadia (yes, CanadIA) tomorrow for the Stratford Festival. I'm psyched. I love Stratford to no end and I can't wait to see Much Ado About Nothing and Twelfth Night. I think Twelfth Night is one of my all time favorites, this will be the third time I've seen it (I saw it a few years ago at Stratford in Canada and I saw it last summer in England with the Royal Shakespeare Company). I can't wait!

Next week I've got to get my classroom together and figure out what the hell I'm doing. It's exciting though, I signed my contract yesterday and all the people I ran into at school seem very excited that I was the one that got the job. It's so nice that people are happy I'm going to be there, but it's also a lot to live up to. I hope I can do it!

Peace out starving nachos:)
Listening to: Over It Step Outside Yourself

14 August 2006

Review and Photos up on Revolt

My review of the Editors' show is up on Revolt now. Read it here. The photos are mine too (second photo credit-woo hoo!) and though they aren't as good as the ones from Warped, I'm still pretty happy with them. Not too bad for my little point-and-shoot digi cam, eh?

Pretty busy weekend, though it was a lot of fun. I hardly knew what to do with myself Friday night since, for the first time in ages, I didn't have a review to write or show to go to. 'Twas ok, I got laundry done and did some relaxing, things I haven't done in ages:)

Saturday night was Wife's big birthday bonanza. It was a ton of fun though I probably drank a bit more than I should have...oh well. It was a hoot. Sunday, woke up VERY tired (though not sick or headachy, so, bonus), didn't do a whole heck of a lot but then went over to Husband and Wife's for an amazing dinner...I won't need to eat for a week but, damn, it was good:)

It's a bit weird that it's a Monday and I'm not at work answering the phones...I'll get used to it:)
Not much else to report!

11 August 2006

The Raconteurs

My review of The Raconteurs' show is up at Revolt. Read it here! I wish I could take credit for the photos, alas, they aren't mine...

I'm all finished with the crazy week o' reviews (a total of four due within a week) and I hardly know what to do with myself tonight since I don't have: a) a show to go to review, or b) a review to write frantically and get to my editor. I think it will be a short rest though...I'll be getting four more cd's to review for Static and at least six, maybe seven, to review for Revolt. I think I'll be busy:)

Only an hour to go and then I'm finished at Plastics! Woo hoo!

Listening to: My Chemical Romance Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge

10 August 2006

The Count Down is On

Only one and a half more days in plastic surgery. Woot! I'm SO psyched. The end is very fucking nigh :)

My review of the Love & Heat tour is up on Revolt. Read it here. My review of the Editors' show should be up soon too and I'll get two of my pics published with that story! Yay, more photo credits!

Not too much else going on, I'm thrilled to have some time off next week to get my shit together before school starts. A bit of a belated b-day party for Wife on Saturday night and then a big shopping expedition next week with her, so that will be very fun. Then we head up to Stratford for a few days. Ahh, finally a bit of a vacation!

Peace out, starving nachos:)
Listening to: Vaux Beyond Virtue, Beyond Vice

09 August 2006


LoLolOloloL! Too funny! That's so what I'd love to do to stupid people...

07 August 2006

Steady As She Goes...

Whew, what a weekend. Heck, what a month...here we go, things have been v. v. busy:

Thursday: Editors at the Magic Stick. Read the last post.

Friday: Big City Rock, October Fall, Drive By and Need to Breathe at The Shelter. It was a pretty good show, lots of teenagers (*by lots I mean about 45, and since there were about 60 people there total, it's a lot) and a sprinking of parents. The Shelter was a neat venue though I was a bit creeped out by the area. I'd have been a little bummed about the show if tix had been any more than $8. Let's put it this way, these are bands that have not yet made it to playing even the small stages at Warped.

After the show I ended up meeting Benita, Elana etc. at Deluxe Lounge in Greektown. It was a lot of fun-had some drinks, did a bit of dancing, just chilled. Good times. Having just come from the Shelter, I was in my usual, mostly black, semi-punkish ensemble and therefore did NOT quite fit in at Deluxe. Oh well, twas fun anyways. We should check out more clubs in Detroit...

Saturday: got up reeeaallly late since I didn't get home till 2:30 am, hit the coffee shop for some writing time to work on show reviews and then met up with Jim for dinner and The Raconteurs' concert. We ate at Grizzly Peak and were told that we missed seeing Jack White there by 10 MINUTES. Curses! We had a little time to kill before the show started so we went and had a drink at Ashleys and then went over to the Michigan Theater. Of course I bought a t-shirt:) Now, about the show...

IT WAS FUCKING AMAZING. I can hardly put into words how great it was, totally blew me away. Probably one of the best shows I've been to. My god...They played most of the songs off Broken Boy Soldiers as well as a cover of "Bang Bang" that will make me cry if they don't record some day. It was just non-stop music. Jack White was, of course, awesome, but Brendon Benson, Patrick Keeler and Jack Lawrence were every bit just as amazing. Here's something I decided though: Jack White-hardly conventionally attractive but, my god, fucking sexy voice and he is ripped! You wouldn't think so, I always thought he was a bit scrawny, but it looks like Jack has been doing some working out...

I just can't get over how great that show was. The album is supurb but a lot of the songs were even better live. I "heart" The Raconteurs:) So, after the show Jim and I went down to Conor's and had a few beers, sat outside and digested the whole concert. (Oh yeah, iTunes has a couple of live tracks/special BBC recordings by The Raconteurs. Go buy them!) Another 2am night but it was SO worth it.

Sunday: Hauled my tired ass out of bed early, went to ERC to do some writing, ran errands. Nothing too exciting but after seeing four shows in a week (one being Warped) I think I was allowed a night in. Lest you worry that I go into concert withdrawl, I got tix to see Hawthorne Heights at the State Theater for the end of September. Woot! I'm also going up to Stratford, ON for a weekend in a few weeks to see a few plays which will be fun. I haven't been there in a couple of years, so I'm psyched. I loooooove Stratford.

And, speaking of Warped/concerts etc. My review of Warped is up on Revolt. Even better? My editor ran two of my photos and I get a photo credit as well!! Check it out here. Kinda fun to get my photos published too! (I love the one of the singer from The Sounds, god, she has such attitude!!) I wasn't able to get any pics of The Raconteurs. They didn't allow photos at the Michigan Theater and I wasn't willing to risk it.

In other news, I got called for jury duty. Of course it is the second week of school. I have to try and get this postponed. Aargh.

Listening to: The Raconteurs Broken Boy Soldiers

04 August 2006


Aargh...well, I've got no voice, I'm deaf in my left ear and pretty damn tired, but the Editors show was really good, so it was worth it:) The opening bands really weren't much to write home about, so I won't waste the space. I've decided I really like the Magic Stick as a venue, it's just a pretty fucking cool place and ridiculously easy to get to...

Anyways, they played a long set, fourteen songs in all, and played all the songs off The Back Room. The lead singer, Tom Smith, has this really sexy voice which is kinda funny since he's a bit on the nerdy looking side (yeah, I'm mean, you'll see in a minute). I mean, he isn't bad looking, just you wouldn't expect this very sexy voice to come from a sort of average looking person. He made all these mental arm and hand gestures while singing though, I'm not sure what that was all about...

The lead guitarist, Chris Urbanowicz, was amazing. The entire show he had this sort of blank look on his face but the stuff he was playing blew me away. It's like he was putting so much focus and energy on playing that there wasn't anything left for facial expression:) He looked a little like Brandon Reilly from Nightmare of You though... Finally about halfway through "Munich" which was the first song of their encore, he cracked a smile which amused me.

I'll give them this, there are definitely some songs off The Back Room that are way better live than they are on the cd. Not that they're bad on the album, but they are just so much more interesting and alive in person (duh, I'm not explaining this well at all). Um, I guess a few sound a bit flat on the album, that's the only way I can describe it.

Big City Rock with Need to Breathe, October Fall and Drive By tonight at The Shelter. The Raconteurs tomorrow at the Michigan Theater (woot!). I will have no hearing by the end of the weekend. Oh well:)
Listening to: Big City Rock Big City Rock

I know it's blurry, but I kinda like it in an arty way. I'll post more pics but blogger is being a bitch right now and won't let me post more pics.

03 August 2006

Thanks SO much!

Just a fast thank you to Husband, Wife, Shosh, Ben, Elana and Shannon for all their congratulations:) You've listened to me gripe for the last year + over my lack of a "real" job and I thank you so much for putting up with me. I'm sure it wasn't always easy:)

Alas, as Ben said, my plastic surgery stories will be coming to an end, but I'm sure my students will provide a wealth of entertainment on their own. However, I'd love to leave with a bang...hmm, maybe telling patients what I really think. For example:

Boob job-"ok, Pamela Anderson-pneumatic version or do you want it scaled down a bit?"
Penis Enlargement-"how small is it? Oh, I see...yes, that probably would be considered medically necessary..."

Well, I probably never would actually do that, but it's fun to imagine:) Did a little celebrating with Husband and Wife last night at good ol' ABC. Beers and cajun fries led to the following:
  • "You look like a tool and you walk like a duck." Courtesy of Wife:)
  • Extensive discussion of Starving Nachos and various other celebs.
  • Serious plotting for the Pink is the New Party party. We came up with some GREAT ideas, and yes, people, you will have to dress up as a celeb. We've come up with ideas for pretty much everyone, so if you can't think of one, we can provide possibilities. No, I have not taken to referring to myself in the royal "we." I have roped Wife into hosting this sucker with me just because she is too fun and has too many good ideas not to (not that it was that hard to rope her into it:)

Well, that's about it for now. I'm heading downtown to the Magic Stick tonight to see The Editors. I wish I wasn't sick...as much as I want to see the Editors, the thought of being out late, making the drive and hanging out in the smoke just doesn't appeal with a cold...oh well, I'll kick myself if I don't go since they're going to be big and I luuurrrve Brit bands.

Peace out, Starving Nachos :) ~S

Listening to: The Editors, The Back Room

02 August 2006

OMG OMG It's about time!!

I got a job. A real job. A real teaching job!!!!!!!! A job with benefits and I'll actually use my brain and not be seen as a total moron (well, some of the students are bound to think any teacher is an idiot, I'm ok with that). I can't believe it! It only took A YEAR.

Of course now I'm in total freak-out mode. I have a MILLION things to do before school starts--I need to haul out all my teaching junk again, go through it, write a syllabus, get my hands on the textbooks for my classes, and, on top of it all, I will be teaching newspaper.

Thank GOD I just took that newspaper advising class!!! Thank GOD I got a ton of lesson plan ideas, unit plans, slide shows etc to use! I still don't know what I'm doing, but it's a start:) I can't believe it, a real job...no more plastic surgery!!!!
Woo hoo!

Listening to: Alkaline Trio Goddammit

01 August 2006

Warped Pics



The Sounds


Warped Crowd/Comerica