30 June 2006

Finally Friday...

Well, I'm my funk has dissipated for the most part. I blame total and utter fatigue for my depresso mood the other day. Good news is, my class is over, the project got done (no thanks to my group) and the two reviews I have due are not only in, they're in to my editors early. Woot! I got to review a collection of poetry written by indie musicians called Revolution on Canvas for Revolt. Check out what I said about it here. My review of Good Riddance's album My Revolution will be up at Static sometime this weekend.

Speaking of music, I am going nuts for AFI's new album, decemberunderground. Totally rocks my socks and I've fallen a bit in love with Davey Havok (second from right...insert sheepish grin here) :) It's definitely been one of those albums that I just like more and more each time I listen to it. You should really check it out! However, I am really bummed though that they pulled out of Warped because I was psyched to see them live :( So did From First To Last, which sucks because I was psyched to see them live again. Well...I'm sure it'll be a blast anyways.

Courtesy of a loverly gift certificate to Amazon, I also just got The Arctic Monkey's Whatever You Say I Am, That's What I'm Not, From First to Last's Heroine, The Editors' The Back Room and Muse's Absolution. Needless to say, I'm still working my way through them all since I also have all these other albums I need to digest before I write the reviews. Like I need more cd's :)

And just because it's the big news on the MCR front and I still adore them, rumor has it that Gerard has gone blonde. Not sure if this pic is real or photoshopped, but this is supposedly the new look. Guess both Way brothers are going for makeovers because Mikey got lasik and has said goodbye to his glasses, dyed his hair dark and got a tattoo. Wow (ahem, teenie moment, forgive me) they are both still gorgeous...hmm, I wonder if they could be cloned;) MCR is working on their third album and I am psyched to hear it. Too bad it probably won't be out till the fall. Guess I'll have to wait, eh?

Various fun plans in the works for the weekend but I really need to do some serious cleaning and laundry too (boo, hiss). Things have become a bit of a disaster as they tend to when the semester is coming to an end. I seriously need to do something about my haircolor right now too. It's totally wack. I'm trying to decide between pink, red or purple again...dilemmas, dilemmas.

Listening to: decemberunderground, AFI

28 June 2006

A (crappy) syllogism

All group projects end up with one person doing all the work.
I want a good grade on my group project.
Therefore, I am doing all the work.

Ok, so Aristotle is probably rolling in his grave...however, I am NOT a happy camper. The final project for my media law class is (you guessed it) a group project. I like the class. I like the prof. I don't even mind the assingment itself, but I hate group projects. Here's the dilemma: do I only do my "fair" share and get a crappy grade because the two people in my (assigned) group are slackers OR, do I do more than I *should* have to in order to get a good grade (and they get the good grade too even though I did 98% of the work)?? I want the good grade, so I guess I have to suck it up.

It still isn't fair though. Ugh, ugh, ugh. It's 12:15 am. The project is due tonight at 6pm. One person in my group emailed me his short part about 15 minutes ago. The other person hasn't emailed her part at all yet. I've gone ahead and written her part on the off-chance she doesn't email it at all. Did I mention I hate group projects??

Here's something else that kinda has me bummed in a pity-myself, I'm-a-shitty-friend kind of way. So, a friend of mine just got out of a crappy relationship. To make a long story short, she finally dumped a guy who didn't treat her well and who she found out was cheating on her. They've maybe been broken up for a month or so. Anyways, she's at a bbq the other night, gets talking with a new guy who she sort of knew and already has a date all lined up for tomorrow night. I know (I know!!) I should be happy for her. I hope this guy treats her like she deserves since the last guy was a complete jerk and wasn't good enough for her but there's also that horrible, babyish, selfish, shitty part of me that is going "why can't I finally meet someone!?" It's been three years since I've really dated anyone and I don't think this drought is going to end soon... I know, take up a hobby or something, try internet dating, etc. etc. Thing is, I've DONE the internet thing and it just doesn't work out (at least in my experience) and I have trouble spending all that money for something that I've already tried multiple times with no success. The guys at work don't even notice I'm alive (I'm just the girl they assume is an idiot because I work in the call center and they think that's my greatest ambition in life) or they're married. The blind date thing didn't work out and I don't really have any friends with single guy-friends that I could be set up with. (Either that or I'm horribly hideous and guys just don't find me attractive...)

I don't know. I've been very good about not letting this get to me lately and it hasn't really bothered me too much, but every now and then I can't help but wonder what's wrong with me. Why do some girls have such an easy time meeting people-even just randomly (I have another friend that manages to get asked out by people when she's waiting in line at the grocery store, and we're not talking by totally skeevy guys either). That kind of thing NEVER happens to me.
Ok, I better go before I get even more depressed about this. And if anyone even so much as thinks about commenting something like "it'll happen when you stop looking for it!" I'll hunt you down and sic wild, rabid badgers on you.

Listening to: David Melillo "Vatican Roulette"

26 June 2006

I need a weekend from the weekend...

Aargh. Very good weekend, very busy and now it's only Monday and I'm exhausted and ready for the weekend again...

So, Friday I joined Husband and Wife at Ben's for dinner. He went ALL out, my god he's a great cook. His girlfriend is very lucky! It ended up being a pretty late night, not too much drinking, just enough;) I ended up playing guitar in front of people for the first time ever, though I'd have been better if I'd had some music with me instead of relying on my slightly hazy/alchohol infused brain for stuff I've got memorized. It was fun though and not nearly as scary as I'd expected. It was also determined that we know K-Fed better than each other...long story.

Saturday I spent the first part of the day working on a review for Revolt and then I had to head up to MSU to work on a group project. I drove two hours to meet for 30 minutes. I was not a happy camper about that, especially since I'll just end up doing all the work and the presentation myself. Grr. However, Saturday was redeemed when Elana called and wanted to go out. We went and hung out at Cafe Felix drinking overpriced martinis and noshing on brie as we peoplewatched. We scored a great sidewalk table, it was gorgeous out and just a lot of fun.

However, I think the martinis were just a little bit stronger than I thought, either that or the combined two nights of drinking/getting to sleep late etc. caught up with me because I was definitely a bit hungover yesterday. No rest for me though...had brunch with Husband and Wife and had to work on reviews and the project for my class. Ugh.

The fun news is that I've scored an interview with The Distance for a feature on Revolt. I'm reviewing their album which comes out tomorrow and I have to say, I really like it (hmm, is that ok to say??) I've also got four albums coming my way from Static to deal with. I hope I can keep up with it all! With each review I write I'm definitely feeling more and more confident, so that's good. I'm SO glad I got hooked up with Revolt! I really like what I'm getting to do (and the fact that I get a byline too!)
I hope the week goes fast...

Listening to: "Inspired by You" The Distance

19 June 2006

You put Leon Trotsky and ska together and what do you get?

You'll have to read my review of Catch 22's latest album on Revolt if you want to find out:)

The weekend was almost non-stop work which wasn't a whole lot of fun. However, I did take a much needed break on Saturday night and went and killed some brain cells by seeing Nacho Libra with Elana. I got a big kick out of it:) It's just too ridiculous and Jack Black amuses me to no end. Hardly an award winner, but it was some much needed humor and entertainment after spending the rest of the day studying, writing and such.

I am so glad the semester is almost over. One more stupid group project and I'm FREE. Too bad that means most of next weekend will also be consumed with work. Blech. Oh well.

One other thing I'm really not sure how to feel about. I hate the Gnarls Barkley song "Crazy" right? So, why the HELL is it growing on me?? This isn't supposed to happen! I'm supposed to keep hating it! I think I'm getting soft in my old age. First Nicole Kidman (Husband and Wife, you know what I'm talking about) now Gnarls Barkley. What's next...Paris Hilton?? Good god...

16 June 2006

Pink is the new Party!

Aargh, just had a great inspiration for a party theme, and maybe only Wife will appreciate this, but what about a Pink is the New Blog/Party party?? How fun would that be? Yeah, totally girly, but what a hoot... (pink drinks-TNTinis, cosmos etc., pink food-shrimp, um, i'm sure there's more pink food, I'm just not thinking right now), snarky celebrity gossip...what more could a girl want??)
Wife? Up for it? I think we should TOTALLY have a Pink is the new Party! Woot! :)

Happy it is finally Friday! NOT happy that I have to drive out to MSU to work on a group project tonight :( boo hiss. What kind of a Friday night is that?! Yuck.

Um, what else...I officially got word that I wasn't chosen for the Rolling Stone/MTV thing. I figured that one out ages ago, but at least it's official. Eh, no biggie. Much more important is that I also found a job posting for Alternative Press and would pretty much give a limb for it. I already sent my stuff in. PLEASE keep your fingers crossed for me!

14 June 2006

Another writing job!

Hah, I guess when it rains it pours or something like that. I just got offered another writing job, this time for Static Multimedia. Same deal, review albums, get free CD's, no real paycheck but it's experience I hope will translate into a real, paying job when I'm finished with school. I think I'm going to be busy, busy! My editor is sending me 4 cd's to review, I wonder what they'll be...

Father's Day is posing a bit of a problem...I have NO idea what to get my dad. His birthday was just in May, so now I'm getting hit again and haven't got any good ideas. Anyone? Anyone? (Bueller?) aargh!

Ok, on the blind date front. I was officially introduced to the guy on Friday. It was weird and awkward and he gave me his business card and told me to email him if I wanted to meet up (is that weird? I don't even know). We met for maybe 30 seconds so I can't tell what he's like really. I did email him on Monday but haven't heard anything back. I actually don't really care, but Jen (the girl who is trying to fix us up) is making me crazy. If she asks me one more time what I thought, or if I talked to him, or mentions that she talked to him, I'm going to completely flip out. I am seriously regretting letting her do this, not because of the guy, because of how nuts she's being.

On a lighter note (hah, pardon the pun), some music commentary:
  • Ben, you asked if I'd heard the Paris Hilton song. Scarily, yes, I have. Even more horrifying is that, though it's bad, it isn't nearly as bad as I'd expected it to be. I fear for the summer airwaves because I think that is ALL radio stations are going to play. Fight Paris Hilton's world domination! (hmm, that could be a catchy t-shirt...)
  • As much as I hate the Gnarls Barkley version of "Crazy," I've heard some covers that are actually pretty good. Guess it isn't the song but the presentation.
  • I am still undecided about Head Automatica, but their song, "Graduation Day" has grown on me. The video is pretty funny too.
  • I love the I Am Ghost song, "Dead Girl Epilogue." Very creepy...you can download it on their myspace page.
  • Check out Reggie and the Full Effect, "Take Me Home Please." Download it here.
That's it for now.

12 June 2006

Snow Patrol Review up on Revolt!

Read my review of Snow Patrol's latest album on Revolt here. I'm really happy with how things are going at Revolt so far, yay!

It was a good weekend, but way too short. Friday night I skipped the department party, did a little homework downtown at Starbucks and then met my parents for dinner at Cosi (yum!). Saturday I camped out at Espresso Royale to write my Snow Patrol review and then met up with a friend for coffee which was fun. Husband came over for dinner which was good too:) Sunday wasn't too exciting, just more homework, the gym and some loafing. I really wish it wasn't already Monday though...boo.

The plans are in motion for the next party, I hope people can come on the day I picked. It won't be till mid July but I wanted to give people plenty of time to plan ahead. I'm definitely looking forward to it (I hope other people are too!)

Am I the only person that hates the Gnarls Barkley song "Crazy?" Man, if Virgin Radio plays it one more time I'm going to lose it. I also can't STAND The Streets' "Never Went to Church." Uhhg, I hate it...
On the other hand, I really like AFI's song "Miss Murder." I also love "Die Romantic" by Aiden. Go download it on their myspace page. Good stuff.
That's it, work is hell today. Later,

08 June 2006


Ha ha! I love it. Brandon Reilly from Nightmare of You has started a blog. He's quite funny and makes some pretty good commentary on the state of the world. I particularly love this comment:
" I'm not anti-religion. I'm anti-imbecile."

Hmm, this sounds distinctly like it's verging towards the "People are stupid" theory of mine if you as me:) Anyways, I'm amused by his blog and will add it to my daily routine. You can read it for yourself here. (Brandon Reilly also has a ridiculously cute cat named Bella, so that bumps him up even higher in my regard;)

Now for a confession...I broke down and upgraded my cell phone. I was probably one of the few people on the planet that didn't have a flip phone but here's the thing. I still won't:) I've used other people's flip phones and they just feel weird to me, I'm perfectly happy with my slab 0'phone type cell. Anyways, I decided to use a little of my huge income tax refund and got myself a Sidekick (the rest of the money is getting socked away, so I guess one "treat" isn't bad). I feel guilty since they're kinda expensive, but I was able to get a bunch of rebates that helped a lot. My monthly plan won't be any more expensive than it already was, so that's good. I really like the idea of being able to check my email, make calls, keep a calendar/address book etc, IM, check the web and take photos without having to carry around three or four electronic devices like I used to. Anyways, it should come today, so that's kinda fun:)

One other thing, if any of you html gurus out there know why I've got those damn gaps between links on the sidebar under "Other blogs I like," can you tell me how to get rid of them? I've gone into the template and the html for those lines isn't any different from the other non-gapped link sections (ex. cool places to shop). Help! It's really beginning to bug me...

Listening to: Nightmare of You, Nightmare of You

06 June 2006

This Is Hell

Grr, this is the third time I've tried to make this freaking post and everytime it actually goes on-line, something is either deleted or fucked up. Last try. If something seems wack, missing or wrong, ignore it. I'm fed up with this.

My review of This Is Hell's album Sundowning is up on Revolt's page. Check it out here.

Next on the agenda? Covering Snow Patrol's latest album. It's good, but I think I liked their first album more...

Got my hair chopped over the weekend. I've never had bangs before, this will take some getting used to...I really like how it came out though. I can tell my mom hates it but at least she hasn't said anything yet. My hair. My choice.

She's trying to talk me into going to this big fancy-shmancy award dinner that our department has every year. Part of me slightly wants to go, the other part of me sees no point in spending even more time with a bunch of people who treat me like I hardly exist (except when they need something). I'm actually so low on the totem pole here that I wasn't even invited to the party even though I've been working here full time for over a year. Then you have people that were just hired a month or so ago, and they get invited (and it isn't like they're doctors or anything). Grr. I'd feel bad making my mom go alone, but I really don't want to go...and I was also kind of kicking around the idea of seeing Snow Patrol over at Clutch Cargo's that night. I guess I'll wait and see what happens.

Husband and Wife inspired the best idea for the next party...It's gonna be a movie theme. All the food will somehow have to be connected with a movie. Example? Ok, how about Extreme Fajitas a la Office Space? Or rum ("but why the rum?!") from Pirates of the Carribbean? Or maybe, turkey curry a la Bridget Jones? The possibilities are endless...still working on a date to have the party, I'll keep y'all posted.
Kinda grumpy today....glad work is almost over.

Listening to: Dying to Say This to You, The Sounds