22 August 2005

Here's to hoping...

The bad news is that some teachers went back to school today and classes begin this week and I still haven't gotten even an interview for a teaching job. The good news is that I have two interviews this week with advertising agencies. One of them I can't find any info on the web about which seems a little bizarre to me...I mean, I would think that any ad agency worth it's salt would have a website. The other one has a decent site, v. professionally done though it *could* provide a bit more info in my mind. I haven't a clue what sorts of questions they'll ask me, but I guess nothing ventured nothing gained. I think it would be really cool to work in advertising...these two agencies seem pretty small, but the only way to get into any of the big agencies is if you have experience, and if I could get some experience at a small agency and then move to a larger one...that would be ok by me! I hope the interviews go well...I'd LOVE a salary right about now, and to feel like I'm actually using brain cells at my job. The place I work now definitely isn't a brain buster.

On a different note, and this was a totally stupid thing to do, I got tickets to see Green Day when they come to Detroit. I'm super psyched about the show and I haven't been to a concert in about three years (last one was Garbage on their beautifulgarbage tour--great show). It's hard to justify spending the money on a concert ticket, but I'm really excited about seeing them and I convinced my brother to come with me. I hope it's as good a show as I'm expecting...

Keeping my fingers crossed for these interviews! Maybe I'll get a job in advertising and will say goodbye to teaching...

18 August 2005


I am NEVER going to find a job! The one teaching position that I'm sort of holding out a little hope on (the one a friend is trying to pull some strings for) the posting closed yesterday and I was really hoping I'd get a call for an interview today. I know it's only about 2:30pm and there's still time left, but I have the feeling it isn't going to happen. If one person says to me to "think positively" I'll throw up. It's pretty bloody easy to say "think positively" when you aren't the one trying desperately to find a job with little to no success. I'm so sick of even thinking about trying to find a job, it's getting hard to motivate myself to even look at the job postings. The thing that really irritates me is that I know I'd be a good high school teacher! I did it before and it went really well--I got along with most of my students, got along with the administration and think I came up with some fun and educational lessons for my classes. You'd think enthusiasm would count for something.

Time is running out. Summer is almost over and I don't have a job. I didn't think it would be quite this hard (or depressing). When I got my first teaching job it just about fell in my lap, so I guess I'm paying the price now.
I'll keep you posted even though my whining probably bores you to tears.

17 August 2005

Still Searching

So, the job search continues without a whole lot of light at the end of the tunnel. I've got resumes and applications in at a whole bunch of schools but haven't even gotten a call for an interview. It's very disheartening, especially since some of the schools I've applied at begin classes in a week. A friend of mine is trying to pull some strings for me in her district, but I'm not going to hold my breath on that one. I really appreicate what she's done for me though, but I'm losing hope rapidly. I guess I need to start looking for non-teaching openings which sucks, because I really wanted to teach high school again. It sucks because I KNOW I'd be good at it, but I just need a chance. Unfortunately, English majors are a dime a dozen and I'm already on the short end of the stick if I'm competing against somebody who is already in the district. I hate sitting around waiting for the phone to ring. This is beginning to make me crazy.

The worst part is, and I know she means well, but my mom keeps trying to help. She probably spends just as much time as I do on-line looking for openings, and for some reason this tends to annoy me. She's always asking if I've "heard anything" and I cringe each time she asks. No! I haven't heard anything! Believe me, you'll be the first to know IF I do! Aargh. I feel like a bitch too because i know she's just trying to help, but I'm putting enough pressure on myself about all this, I don't need her putting pressure on me too. It isn't like I don't WANT a job, I do! Desperately!

As a result of this total job-related (or lack-of-job-related) stress, I've been an emotional basketcase. Had a total meltdown the other night and it just all came out...the lack of a boyfriend, the fact that I live with my parents, the fact that I don't have a REAL job and can't seem to find one no matter how hard I try...it sucks. I thought I'd been close to getting married, I'd been with somebody for over three years but things fell apart and then I found out that he got married within 6 months of us breaking up. I nearly lost it when I found out, I mean, he never even talked about marriage with me and then he ups and gets married all of the sudden. I know the theory is that some girls are the "lid-looseners" and maybe that is the case, but it hurts like hell, even still. I know I need to get over him and I think I mostly am, but there are still those moments when I get that "I wasn't good enough for him to want to marry me" feeling. Sucks.

Well, too much wallowing already. I'm whiny and I know it, but things are really tough right now and it helps to write about them a bit even if nobody else reads them. Ciao.

11 August 2005

The job search

Well, without a doubt, searching for an English teaching position is akin to climbing Everest. No, I'm not doing it because it's "there," (I wouldn't be putting myself through this stress just because "it's there") and as we get closer and closer to the beginning of the school year, I feel more and more like I'm not going to find a job. If I don't get something in the next two weeks, I'm screwed.

Had what I thought was a good interview for a position at a local high school yesterday afternoon. Walked out of it feeling quite confident. Got the call today that they gave the job to somebody who had two years' experience more than I did. This sucks. I know that a lot of schools hire teachers in the last few days of the summer, but I don't know if I can handle this stress for *maybe* a job to be offered in two weeks or so. I'm going to have a bloody heart-attack as it is.

That's maybe the worst thing about teaching. If you don't get a job by the time September rolls around you probably will have to wait an entire year before any new positions open up unless something miraculous happens. So, if I don't find something in the next few weeks, I'm not really sure what I'll do. I don't have experience besides teaching, so getting a job in marketing or something like that is fairly unlikely. What am I going to do? I have very little money, a temporary job that doesn't give me health insurance (my insurance runs out at the end of August, so I either need a job that gives me insurance or I need to buy insurance which brings me back to the no money problem). I live at home with my parents who, though they're wonderful people, I am too OLD to be living at home. I feel like a total loser living at home and it isn't that I wouldn't move to my own place if I could, but I can't (back to the money problem)!

I look at my younger brother and he really has his life together. He got married in June to a great woman, they bought a cute house, they adopted a kitten, they both have good, full-time, insurance-providing jobs that pay well...what more could they ask for? And me? Single (no prospects on the horizon), work in a dead-end, no-benefits job that is boring and pays crap, can't find a job in the field I LOVE working in, and I live at home.

Very depressing. Yes, I'm whiney. Yes, I'm feeling sorry for myself and I know it. It's been a bad week, forgive me for the whininess. If I could just find a good job things would be so much better.
Here's to hoping.