20 October 2005

Here we go again...

I decided to do the interview with the school, it's this afternoon and I wish I could be more excited about the whole thing. I'll do my best, but I feel so kinda jaded at this point that I'm not sure how upset I'd be if I don't get it. Whatever. Such drama! Interview with for the music editor position on Tuesday, weirdly enough I feel more excited about that than the teaching job. What the hell is wrong with me?? Sheesh, I annoy even myself at times.

Second guitar lesson last night, it went well but my fingers hurt like crazy again. Just when I thought I was getting tougher :) I learned a bunch of new chords and feel like I'm making some progress. I like it a lot though, it's an excellent stress-release after work *wry grin*.

As for the weekend...happy hour tomorrow after work (woo hoo!) and not a whole heck of a lot else. I'm definitely looking forward to the weekend after though--parents out of town and a Halloween party at husband and wife's. I love Halloween! I've got a few ideas for costumes--one in particular that I really like the idea of, but I have to see if I can pull all the bits and pieces together for it--but I'm not telling yet:)

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