16 January 2006

One more thing...curse Fall Out Boy!

yeah, curse FOB...I've had "Dance Dance" and "Sugar, We're Going Down" stuck in my head for days. Worst part is, all I can think of with "Sugar" is that ridiculous home-made video from Google video...the actual lyrics don't make much sense and I don't know them so all that keeps going through my head is "we're going down tuuuu in a luleelurah".
Aargh, song...too...catchy...must...get....a different...song...stuck...in...my...head...

I think I'll listen to some Johnny Cash. How much you wanna bet I'll have "Ring of Fire" stuck in my head for the next few days??

1 comment:

Husband said...

There are worse things than having "Ring of Fire" stuck in your head! Hmm... Sounds like a good idea, as i've had dance dance stuck in my head since last friday... AHHHHH!!!!