06 September 2008

Number 4

So, here it is, tattoo number 4. I have to say, I think this one hurt the most of all, going over the ribs is killer. The other tough part is that I had to lay in this somewhat awkward position on my side (but rolled just a bit towards my back) and keep both my arms over my head. Needless to say, my arms started to fall asleep and I was tensing up so much that I couldn't keep my legs from shaking. Nonetheless, it came out really well and I think it looks great with the others. Not a terribly high quality photo here and I'm still a bit puffy since it was only three hours old or so, but you get the idea :)

04 September 2008

Another cover...

I believe this is the third time Sherri has featured one of my photos on the Revolt "cover." It's still a bit of a thrill! Read the story and see more photos here. It was a tough show to shoot since the people at St. Andy's had the barrier shoved almost all the way up to the stage, effectively eliminating the photo pit entirely. I had to do all my shooting from the right side of the stage, which made things a bit tough.

In other fun, writing/photography related news, I'm also going to be covering the Kings of Leon/We Are Scientists show in November as well as the Hawthorne Heights show. What makes the HH show especially cool is that I also get to do an in-person interview with the band before the show! It's funny, it feels a little like coming full-circle or something since it was at a Hawthorne Heights show two years ago that I managed to get into the photo pit for the first time. I had never touched a digital SLR, much less owned one, and now I've photographed lots and lots of shows, not only held but purchased a lovely digital SLR and had some experiences I never thought I would in a million years. Wow :)

Tomorrow is the big day, tattoo number four. I'm at the nervous but excited stage. Tomorrow I'll probably be mostly nervous until it actually starts, then I'll be wincing but excited and then sore but happy. It's all part of the process I guess. How much things have changed in some ways since moving back to MI in 2005.

I guess I'm just in a reflective mood right now. It's in a good way though :)