20 February 2007


OMG. Best news ever today. I got an email that I not only got guestlisted and a photo pass for the Taking Back Sunday show this Friday at EMU (which is going to be a pretty packed show) but I also got guestlisted +1 AND a photo pass for the My Chemical Romance show next week!!!! This is (for me) one of the coolest of all cool things:) I am SO excited. Ridiculously so. To be that close to a band I adore beyond sense and to get (hopefully) some great photos of them that I can put my name on....beyond amazing:)

Yes, I'm a little excited. This is gonna be awesome. I was psyched for that show to begin with and this just puts things over the top.

I almost bought my camera today and then decided that because I got an unexpected $400 bill from MSU because of some billing screwup from last semester, I should wait and see if I mightn't need some of that extra stash o'cash to pay that bill. I know it was the responsible thing to not drop the money on a camera I don't need just yet, but I reaaaalllly want it. Soon enough. Soon enough.

I am thrilled about these shows:) TBS should be ok, but the MCR show is gonna be off the map. I can't wait.

Listening to: Hedley, Hedley

19 February 2007


I got to cover the Jack's Mannequin/The Audition/Head Automatica/We Are the Fury show at the State on Saturday and got tons of photos. I also got to interview The Audition before the show which was fun and they're really nice guys. But, I'll save the whole spiel for another day since it's late, but in the meantime, here are some of my favorite photos from the night. I have tons more (shot over 400 photos) which I'll share more of, but my computer is being a bit slow right now. I got a lovely, wonderful, fantastic 80 gig external hard drive as a b-day present (this shows how nerdy I am, that I am SO psyched over getting a hard drive for my b-day!) and my computer is busily transferring over 20 gigs of music and my final 4 gigs of photos to the new drive. It is taking hours, but my laptop will be ever so much happier since last night I got the dreaded "disk full" message. I never thought I'd fill my hard drive...this birthday present came along just in time:)

13 February 2007

Please, please, please, please.... (fingers crossed)

This never gets any easier.

We are supposed to be inundated in snow tonight. The drive home from the gym (yes, I actually went to the gym again! Woo hoo!) was lousy. The snow was coming down pretty hard.

I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want tomorrow to be a snow day.

Probably more than the kids want one.

Puhllllleeeeeeeese, oh great snow gods...please let tomorrow be a snow day.

Of course, our prinicpal already told the students (though I wonder if it was more directed at the teachers) not to get our hopes up for a day off tomorrow. Grr. I bet I'll have school.

Ugh, I really don't want to do work tonight but I guess I better go on the assumption that we WILL have school tomorrow. This is one of the things I miss about living in DC. EVERYTHING would have stopped with this amount of snow. Not so here in Michigan, the inverted bowl of darkness.

Please? Pretty please?

Listening to: Until June, Self-titled

12 February 2007

Tiiiiiired...and I'm really short

Ok, busy, busy weekend. I felt like a total social butterfly. It was a ton of fun though and I have some stories to tell (including running into students at the Magic Stick last night). However, I'm tired and it's after midnight so a couple of pictures and then I'm going to bed. The stories will have to wait.

I've finally realized I'm fucking short. I sort of knew that all along, but now I have photographic evidence to back that up. Me, Harry & The Fall of Troy:

They are definitely nice guys and the interview went well. However, it is clear that the top of my head barely clears anyone's shoulders. I am officially short. aargh. oh well.

Wife sent this one to me from the Gatsby party. I like it quite a lot and think I look pretty decent in it. And I'm not flicking the camera off. I look ok AND it's family safe. Hint. Hint. Hint. :)

Ok, bed time. I have a fair bit I need to do tomorrow and I also need to cram in some slacking off. Busy day. Don't know how I do it:)

Listening to: AFI, Decemberunderground

07 February 2007

The Great Gatsby

Well, I am officially now in my last year of being in my 20s. It feels a bit weird to think about, so I'm not going to dwell on it:)

Anyways, the party was a hoot and I don't think I poisoned anyone, so, bonus:) Everyone dressed to the nines and I *hope* everyone had a good time! After an epic shopping trip to Sam's and Meijers on Friday, I spent most of Saturday cooking and cleaning. Luckily I had some excellent helpers and Jon was awesome (and infinitely patient) and spent a good chunk of the day helping me get stuff ready after already having been dragged on said epic shopping trip. The iDJ contest went well, lots of people brought entries and in the end, Wife's crown went to Jon and Husband got second place, which isn't shabby at all:)

Here are a few photos from the night:

I still can't quite belive how much gin we drank...and I have the feeling that I am responsible for drinking a good portion of it (hence the pounding headache the next day). Husband and Wife got me a fabulous red purse and a Rolling Stone book which will be wonderful reference material for my writing. I got a number of other fun things as well, including an iTunes gift certificate from Ben & Jessica with the caveat that I "don't spend it all on emo music," which made me laugh quite a bit. (Does Fall Out Boy count as emo? If so, I better figure out something non-emo to spend the rest of it on;) The night ended a little weird, for reasons I'd rather not go into at the moment but I think some of it was in my head and partly because I'm generally a bit paranoid, partly because I had been drinking vast quantities of gin and partly because the last time I looked at the clock it was 6am... things are good though, so no complaints.

My "real" birthday wasn't terribly exciting (at least compared to the night before) but it was a good day once I was able to get rid of the feeling my head was going to explode. It was pretty great though that I didn't have school on Monday because of an "energy incentive day" (aka-the school is trying to save money on heating) and then ANOTHER day off (unplanned) because it was so damn cold. Of course after getting spoiled by a four day weekend, I really was hoping school would get called off today, but no such luck. Oh well:)

It looks like it should be another fun weekend, if not quite as crazy as last weekend. I'm heading out to dinner with Wife and Mindy for some girl time on Friday (mmm, Prickly Pear...yum) and then Saturday I get to see Dora, one of my college roommates whom I haven't seen in years. She'll be in town for a wedding so we're going to meet up for brunch which should be a lot of fun. I can't wait to hear what all she's been up to! Sunday I'm probably having a birthday lunch with Elana since she couldn't make it to the party. I'm also trying to decide if I want to brave the Magic Stick on Saturday night for the Fall of Troy show. I'm a bit hesitant because I'm 100% sure a few of my students will be there and I don't want to seem like a stalker...maybe I can con Harry into going...

So, all in all, it was a good birthday with few complaints. I really feel like things are kinda coming together in various areas of my life. I've got some awesome friends who came into my life within the last six months as well as some old friends who I can't imagine life without. Ok, lest I get too sentimental, I better go:) Can't have too much sap in one day.

Peace out, starving nachos.
Listening to: Fall Out Boy, "Infinity on High"

PS-I totally forgot, as always, a number of quotes were written down. I'll include some in the next post. There were a few great ones.

01 February 2007

Ok, now I'm scared...

I've hit the point where I'm beginning to freak out about the party. This always happens...you know, those little doubts like "can I honestly pull this off without poisoning 19 people??"

Yep, that's right, 17 for sure, two more "maybes." Can I do this? Can I cook for that many people? And this ain't pasta either...it isn't a difficult meal, but it IS more work than pasta.

I hope I can do this.
I hope I don't kill anyone.
I hope I don't make an idiot of myself.
I hope everything tastes good and people have fun...


Listening to: My uber-mix for the Gatsby Party.