It's been forever. I've been really horrible about posting lately, but I guess that's the end of the school year for you.
9 days to go...woo hoo! Last week was insane. Last weekend was a camping trip with Jon up to Mears, MI (Mears? Hell, yes! I've been there!) which was a lot of fun, followed by a Memorial Day BBQ at Husband and Wife's house. There was no rest from the weary with a baccalaureate mass on Tuesday night for the seniors and then graduation on Thursday night. By Friday I was ready to drop.
Of course it was another weekend of much revelry and running around. Friday ended up just being a night in with Jon and the movie Charade (such a good one, you definitely should see it if you haven't) and a pizza. If Friday was low-key, Saturday was a bit of a marathon. Brunch with Jon, trip to Meijers for tandoori chicken fixins', back home to throw together the marinade, a matinee showing of Pirates 3, back to the house to start cooking dinner with a bit of an impromptu invite to Husband and Wife whose Ann Arbor plans fell through. Dinner was a lot of fun and I think the chicken came out well (though it needed a bit more pepper...ah well, next time). Unfortunately, I drank a bit too much wine and had to be put to bed before I fell asleep on the sofa (some hostess I am). Needless to say, I felt a little rough on Sunday and accomplished next to nothing for this week. I'm not complaining though, any headache and work to be made up this week will be well worth it.
Tonight? My return to trivia at Conor's (I missed it two weeks ago for the Bright Eyes show and last week was Memorial Day) which I'm excited about. I've got three shows lined up for the summer through Victory Records, Husband, Jon and I are going to see Wolfmother on the 30th, Ben and Jessica's wedding is coming up on June 23 and, oh yeah, I'm going to Italy in a month (hard to believe that's so soon!) I start working at plastics again as soon as school lets out which doesn't thrill me, but the prospect of the money IS tempting enough to keep me from sitting on my ass all summer.
Looks like I'll be a busy girl. The perks to plastics though are: 1) I can listen to Virgin radio all day, 2) I don't take home ANY work and 3) I can blog at work:)
Righty-o. Here's to hoping I survive the last 9 days...
Tudo sobre apneia do sono
6 years ago
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