Ugh. I hate Mondays. Not only is it such a letdown after the weekend, all the nutjobs seem to come out and call the clinic after doing stupid shit (like punching walls) and getting hurt over the weekend. Aargh.
Friday was a trip to Dominick's with Kelly and Peter which was a lot of fun (perfect Dominick's weather). A summer weight-loss challenge was proposed and thus begun. The deal is this: girls have to try and lose 10 lbs by August 24, guys are to lose 20 lbs by the same date (the theory being it's easier for guys to lose weight than for girls). Rules are: no diet pills and SO's can eliminate a contestant for unhealthy practices. At first it was just between Kelly and Jon but a few of us have decided to join the race. Whoever reaches the goal first wins. Losers have to pay for the winner's spoils at Dominick's at the end of the summer. I decided to go in on this. I don't care if I'm the first to make the goal, I just wouldn't mind losing 10 lbs by the end of the summer.
Anyways, after Dominick's, we headed to Leopold's to help celebrate Rodger's b-day. Vicious rounds of Uno were played (no idea who won, I wasn't paying too much attention which pretty much guarantees I DIDN'T win:) and fun was had.
Saturday was Ben and Jessica's wedding. It was definitely a lot of fun and they had a perfect day for it. I really give them credit for doing it exactly as THEY wanted, not how other people wanted them to do it. Good friends, good food and some bocce ball.
As for this week, I think it's going to be pretty insane. Tonight is trivia, tomorrow Jon and I are having a night to ourselves before our busy social calendar kicks off. Wednesday we're cooking dinner for my parents, Thursday might be either going to the Lyle Lovett/KD Lang concert with my mom (ugh, I REALLY am not into their music, but my dad won't go with my mom) or seeing the new Die Hard movie with Jon and a bunch of his friends. I'm not sure which is the lesser of the two evils;) Friday is a friend's birthday bash, Saturday is the Wolfmother show, Sunday is packing and getting ready for Italy and Monday afternoon I'm off for bella Italia. Whew. I'm tired just looking at all that.
Listening to: Virgin Radio
Tudo sobre apneia do sono
6 years ago
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