However, one of the highlights of this post-Christmas boredom was hitting the Annie Leibovitz exhibit at the DIA yesterday. It was SO awesome and it killed me how nonchalant she was in her descriptions of getting some of these amazing photos. "It was just a snap" or "just shot a few frames but didn't think they'd turn out well" and then you'd see the photo and they'd just blow you away. I think one of my favorites was this one of Johnny Cash and June Carter:

Beautiful, eh? I love it beyond belief.
Christmas was good though quite quiet. The older I get the more I realize that most people don't have Christmases like ours. Most people (or maybe it's just a lot of people I've come into contact with lately) have big, crazy Christmases with relatives from all over coming into town. It sounds like total chaos but it also sounds really fun in a way. My Christmas evening was just me & my parents watching Pirates of the Caribbean. Husband and Wife had been over earlier in the day but, obviously, had to play both sides of the fence and went to her parents' for dinner. It was quiet. Really quiet. Oh well, I guess that's just how my family is, not much I can do about that one.
I did, however, manage to get a cold. Figures that the first time I stop running in 4 1/2 months I get sick, and there's really so many things I could blame: those damned kids ;), the stupid weather in Michigan for being cold, then warm, then cold, then warm..., Jon, my brother, my psychotic schedule... Meh, whatever. I'm still sick so I guess blame doesn't really matter.
Well, this post is horrifically boring, so I'll stop here before I bore you to death.
Listening to: New Found Glory, Coming Home
1 comment:
A boring post? By Sasha? Never!!! Well, it looks like I'm not most people. My christmas evening was simlar to yours. Jessica spent the 2 days before Christmas w/me, and spent Christmas with her family, and my sister and her b/f spent Christmas pre-3pm with us, and went to his place for the rest of the evening. My mom, dad, and I spent Christmas evening watching Pirates of the Caribbean too - but my mom and I kicked him out of the room because he started dozing off and snoring every 2 minutes. We didn't have any other relatives over- though my dad's aunt came over on the 23rd for dinner.
It was a nice Christmas - just a little quiet. I'm sure there will be more on my blog either later today or on Tuesday. Because I didn't jump off the UM-Temp bus like you, I am trying to pack 20 hours of work into this week so that I still get paid a decent amount at my next paycheck!
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