So, very simply, Friday night was amazing! What a fun but bizarrely surreal night. I met Harry at Clutch Cargo's at about 5pm because he was doing an interview with Drive By. It turned out that they were the last band to do their sound check, so we ended up killing some time while they were finishing that and I got the grand tour of CC's, including backstage and such, before we met the guys. Harry did the interview (and I got to play cameraman) and we hung out with the band for a little bit before the show started. I was really pretty shy but they were really nice guys and very cool. I was talking to the bassist, Chris Perrino, backstage before the band went on and it was kind of weird because here I am talking to this heavily tattooed guy with those earplug/stretcher kinda things backstage at a show and what are we talking about? Teaching! Apparently his sis-in-law and brother are teachers. Weird, eh?
Todd Price, Drive By's lead singer, had given us photo passes so we were able to shoot their set which was awesome. They sounded great and it was so cool to see them play to a decently sized audience since last time, at the Shelter, there were maybe 30 people there. Those guys rocked, I can't wait to see them at Bamboozle!
Things were going really well until Harry and I went up to get ready to shoot Bleeding Through's set. The security guards were being dicks and said that we needed a separate pass for each band which is really unusual. Typically, if you have a photo pass at a show its good for every band. Not in this case. So, we saw the members of Bleeding Through waiting backstage to go on and we just went up to them and asked if they'd mind if we took a few photos during their set. They said it was ok, signed our passes and gave the thumbs up to security who then, begrudgingly, let us up front for two (not the usual three) songs. Better than nothing though! And it was cool that Marta (hot keyboardist from BT) signed our passes:)
So, now it was obvious that the photo pass thing was going to be a problem for the rest of the night. I was supposed to have a pass at the front waiting for me but hadn't picked it up yet b/c I thought at the beginning of the night that the pass Drive By gave me would be good for all the bands. Since that wasn't the case and my extra pass should have been good to shoot Saosin, I went and got that pass. As Bleeding Through was finishing their set, Harry and I were chilling at the back and I see this person walking towards me with a shocked expression on his face. Then I realize, "oh my god! That's one of my students!" Yep, not only was he there but there were two others at the show also-a girl who isn't a studnet of mine but goes to my school, and a guy who is in my journalism class and amuses me to no end. So, the first student goes running off in search of the second, they come back and we end up shooting the breeze with them for a while which was weird, funny and surreal. They're cool kids though and I get a big kick out of them.However, Harry and I need to go back up to the front for Saosin's set but before we did, my students begged me to come find them again after the next band was finished. I agreed and we headed up front. Security lets me in with my pass but they refuse to let Harry in since he doesn't have a pass for this band. I got some cool shots though and I lurrrrve using a digital SLR! It made SUCH a difference!
We couldn't even talk our way into the pit for Senses Fail's set. I tried talking to the tour manager but he was like, "We don't have anyone on the guestlist, NO ONE is getting up front." Dick. You'd think they'd want the publicity! It isn't like they're THAT big a band yet. Whatever. Harry and I got some shots from the balcony and, considering the fact I was shooting completely blind, they aren't half bad.
Ended up shooting the breeze with my students again for a bit during the second half of SF's set. Those kids crack me up, seriously. The two of mine are both in bands that are playing locally on the 16th and not only did they want me to come to the show, the asked if I'd take photos of them which was really kinda cute. I told them I would and Harry will probably come along too. Tomorrow should be quite interesting at school though...
In other news, Sherri, my editor at Revolt told me that I got a bit of a shout-out on Sarah Lewitinn's blog for my feature on Bright Light Fever. How cool is this?-->
Check out the Bright Light Fever interview on Revolt Media. It's fantastic and Revolt is fantastic.
Ok, so it's short, but who cares? Still pretty damn cool:) Righty o. I should go do some work, but first, here are a few pics from the show. I'll post more later.

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