Because I don't have enough to do, I agreed to do a feature on Gatsby's American Dream for Revolt. I'll get to do an interview with them which should be cool and I probably shouldn't have agreed to do it, but features are such fun...

And the first day of school?? It went quite well. I have at least one group of boys that amused me immensely. I think they'll be a handful, but they were pretty damn funny, so we'll see. I did already have one girl complaining about an assignment I gave them (which couldn't have been easier) and, of course, I'm blessed with her twice a day. Oh well. It's her grade, not mine. It's amazing how wiped out I am after only a half-day, but I guess that can be attributed to everything being so new. I like it so far, I hope the rest of the week goes well!
Oh yeah, and just to make sure I don't become too boring or conventional, I'm getting another tattoo on Friday (hee hee!) Still won't be visible with regular clothing, but I'll know it's there and I won't feel like I've sold out becoming a Catholic school teacher (or something like that). Wife is coming with to see how this whole process works, so that will be fun (well, fun for me, I don't know how fun for her:) I'm glad she's coming though!)
Righty-o. Better go to bed so I can keep up with all my students tomorrow!
Listening to: Greeley Estates Far From the Lies
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