That being said, I will not need to buy any CDs in the near future because I have no less than SIXTEEN albums to review for Revolt and Static in the next few weeks. I'm slightly freaked out...I knew I'd be getting a couple extra from my editor at Revolt, but I wasn't expecting four extra from my editor at Static too. Yikes! I think I am going to be very, very busy.
Off to Canadia (yes, CanadIA) tomorrow for the Stratford Festival. I'm psyched. I love Stratford to no end and I can't wait to see Much Ado About Nothing and Twelfth Night. I think Twelfth Night is one of my all time favorites, this will be the third time I've seen it (I saw it a few years ago at Stratford in Canada and I saw it last summer in England with the Royal Shakespeare Company). I can't wait!
Next week I've got to get my classroom together and figure out what the hell I'm doing. It's exciting though, I signed my contract yesterday and all the people I ran into at school seem very excited that I was the one that got the job. It's so nice that people are happy I'm going to be there, but it's also a lot to live up to. I hope I can do it!
Peace out starving nachos:)
Listening to: Over It Step Outside Yourself
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