My review of This Is Hell's album Sundowning is up on Revolt's page. Check it out here.
Next on the agenda? Covering Snow Patrol's latest album. It's good, but I think I liked their first album more...
Got my hair chopped over the weekend. I've never had bangs before, this will take some getting used to...I really like how it came out though. I can tell my mom hates it but at least she hasn't said anything yet. My hair. My choice.
She's trying to talk me into going to this big fancy-shmancy award dinner that our department has every year. Part of me slightly wants to go, the other part of me sees no point in spending even more time with a bunch of people who treat me like I hardly exist (except when they need something). I'm actually so low on the totem pole here that I wasn't even invited to the party even though I've been working here full time for over a year. Then you have people that were just hired a month or so ago, and they get invited (and it isn't like they're doctors or anything). Grr. I'd feel bad making my mom go alone, but I really don't want to go...and I was also kind of kicking around the idea of seeing Snow Patrol over at Clutch Cargo's that night. I guess I'll wait and see what happens.
Husband and Wife inspired the best idea for the next party...It's gonna be a movie theme. All the food will somehow have to be connected with a movie. Example? Ok, how about Extreme Fajitas a la Office Space? Or rum ("but why the rum?!") from Pirates of the Carribbean? Or maybe, turkey curry a la Bridget Jones? The possibilities are endless...still working on a date to have the party, I'll keep y'all posted.
Kinda grumpy today....glad work is almost over.
Listening to: Dying to Say This to You, The Sounds
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