All group projects end up with one person doing all the work.
I want a good grade on my group project.
Therefore, I am doing all the work.
Ok, so Aristotle is probably rolling in his grave...however, I am NOT a happy camper. The final project for my media law class is (you guessed it) a group project. I like the class. I like the prof. I don't even mind the assingment itself, but I hate group projects. Here's the dilemma: do I only do my "fair" share and get a crappy grade because the two people in my (assigned) group are slackers OR, do I do more than I *should* have to in order to get a good grade (and they get the good grade too even though I did 98% of the work)?? I want the good grade, so I guess I have to suck it up.
It still isn't fair though. Ugh, ugh, ugh. It's 12:15 am. The project is due tonight at 6pm. One person in my group emailed me his short part about 15 minutes ago. The other person hasn't emailed her part at all yet. I've gone ahead and written her part on the off-chance she doesn't email it at all. Did I mention I hate group projects??
Here's something else that kinda has me bummed in a pity-myself, I'm-a-shitty-friend kind of way. So, a friend of mine just got out of a crappy relationship. To make a long story short, she finally dumped a guy who didn't treat her well and who she found out was cheating on her. They've maybe been broken up for a month or so. Anyways, she's at a bbq the other night, gets talking with a new guy who she sort of knew and already has a date all lined up for tomorrow night. I know (I know!!) I should be happy for her. I hope this guy treats her like she deserves since the last guy was a complete jerk and wasn't good enough for her but there's also that horrible, babyish, selfish, shitty part of me that is going "why can't I finally meet someone!?" It's been three years since I've really dated anyone and I don't think this drought is going to end soon... I know, take up a hobby or something, try internet dating, etc. etc. Thing is, I've DONE the internet thing and it just doesn't work out (at least in my experience) and I have trouble spending all that money for something that I've already tried multiple times with no success. The guys at work don't even notice I'm alive (I'm just the girl they assume is an idiot because I work in the call center and they think that's my greatest ambition in life) or they're married. The blind date thing didn't work out and I don't really have any friends with single guy-friends that I could be set up with. (Either that or I'm horribly hideous and guys just don't find me attractive...)
I don't know. I've been very good about not letting this get to me lately and it hasn't really bothered me too much, but every now and then I can't help but wonder what's wrong with me. Why do some girls have such an easy time meeting people-even just randomly (I have another friend that manages to get asked out by people when she's waiting in line at the grocery store, and we're not talking by totally skeevy guys either). That kind of thing NEVER happens to me.
Ok, I better go before I get even more depressed about this. And if anyone even so much as thinks about commenting something like "it'll happen when you stop looking for it!" I'll hunt you down and sic wild, rabid badgers on you.
Listening to: David Melillo "Vatican Roulette"
Tudo sobre apneia do sono
6 years ago
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