The highlight of Saturday was Husband and Wife coming over for dinner. The best part of all was the totally meandering, bizzarre and weird conversation we had after dinner. I believe it took a path something like this:
Guys wearing eyeliner->creepy actors->Alan Cumming->Alan Cumming has a fragrance-> Husband's fragrance would be bike oil and chain grease (hence, he doesn't have a fragrance for sale)->Steve Buscemi->Anthony Hopkins/Titus Andronicus->Husband wishing he had a hollow leg->Husband wishing he had a tapeworm->leeches/slugs->leeches, slugs & tapeworms are disgusting because they're tubular->dachshunds must therefore also be disgusting by that rationale->the hairy/fuzzy/furry/fluffy continuum->(the path gets a bit fuzzy here)->actors/actresses/celebs we don't like->ways of weeding people out->knowing a second date isn't worth it based on the music someone listens to (see below regarding DMB)->avoid dating people who only read books by John Grisham->avoid people who only listen to Dave Matthews Band->Ben Affleck is a pimple on the face of celebrity->->God, who knows where it went after that. I'm sure I missed some major stopping points but at this stage, I can't remember what else we talked about. I know Husband's Jackson Pollock gingerbread house came in there somewhere but I can't remember where for the life of me. Yeah, it was weird, but it was a damn good time. Those weird rambling ones are the best conversations! Good times. Oh yeah, if you have any opinions on any of these issues/topics, feel free to share:) Husband and Wife: if I missed something particularly "important" in this chain, let me know:)
Not much else here, just getting anxious about hearing something from AMG and slowly losing my mind...Work is hell today. I'm glad it's getting close to time to go. And finally, happiness is a picture of Mikey Way and Billie Joe Armstrong:

To be fair, it would be even more exciting if that guy wasn't in the middle and Gerard Way was there instead. Oh well...such is life:)
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