Well, I'm feeling mostly human again though it took till near 4pm this afternoon before the hangover really wore off. God, haven't felt quite that out of it after a night of drinking in a while...maybe it was the fact I was out till 2am. Maybe it was the fact that I really didn't eat much yesterday and then drank too much on a near empty stomach...who knows. It was well worth the hangover though.
The evening began with a happy hour at Grizzly Peak. I didn't really know too many of the people in the group except for Elana, most of them were just acquaintances but it was ok, entertaining and people were nice. I got to see some people I hadn't seen in a long time which was fun too. From there the group was going to head over to Live, though the plan ended up changing when we found that they didn't serve food and some of the girls wanted to eat. Went over to Full Moon, plan aborted again when Dana suggested that everyone go over to her parents' restaurant because there we could drink for free. Elana had already taken off and I kind of wanted to check out Live so I met up with Jim at Starbucks and then we headed over to Live. Live just opened maybe a month ago or so and this was the first time I'd been there. I liked it though, much better than Gracie's downstairs which is just way too small to have any kind of live music. So, Jim and I got some drinks, chatted about all sorts of stuff and then the evening's band began. The band was "Ultra-Violet" and they were a pretty good cover band. Low on originality but they did do some pretty good covers--stayed quite true to the originals in many cases. After the first half Jim and I headed out and ended up at the Fleetwood. God, I haven't been to the Fleetwood in AGES. That place just amuses me and it's so Ann Arbor...yeah, so I ended up having way too much coffee for 1am and felt like ass this morning from the entire combination of things, but had a great time despite how lousy I felt when I woke up:) It's nice to have found somebody who is willing to go check out music & stuff in Ann Arbor (not that Husband isn't interested, but I know he's got lots of stuff on his proverbial plate at the moment:)
I'm really working to expand my musical tastes too. I feel like there's this huge list of music that I *should* like or at least should have heard so I can have an informed opinion on, so I've taken it upon myself to work on this. Luckily, the library is a fantastic way of getting one's hands on cd's to try without having to actually buy them (I'm hardly afraid to buy stuff, but I've got a long list of things I *need* to try, and I'd go broke pretty fast if I bought it all, so for now, my library card is getting quite the workout.) So, these are the albums I'm starting with for now:
The Libertines "The Libertines" (Pete Doherty--can't decide how I feel about him. From what I've read there's a certain amount of "genius" in his music but he's such a trainwreck at the same time...need to think about this some more).
The Doves: "The Last Broadcast" --love "Pounding", need to really listen to the rest of the album
Primal Scream: "Evil Heat"
The Von Bondies: "Pawn Shoppe Heart"
The Smiths "Louder than Bombs"
The Dead Kennedys "Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables"
New Order: "Substance"
The Psychadelic Furs "All of this and Nothing"
I think this is plenty to start with:) Of course I'll report on them as I digest them a bit more. I really don't know what I'd do without music...that's a long narrative though, I'll save it for another day when I'm less tired.
Tudo sobre apneia do sono
6 years ago
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