- graded 31 Great Gatsby Essays for AP
- graded 31 AP English midterms-multiple choice, short answer and essay
- graded 56 American Lit midterms-multiple choice, short answer and essay
- graded 56 sets of study questions on Gatsby for American Lit
- graded 17 journalism essays
- graded 17 journalism exams
- spent Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons on the school admissions committee
- submitted 2nd quarter and midterm grades for all 5 of my classes to the office
- written interview questions for a Revolt article
- written a feature piece on Forgive Durden for Revolt
- baked 2 dozen cupcakes for the winning trivia teams from each of my classes
- attempted to see my boyfriend without spending the entire time either having a)a nervous breakdown b) grading maniacally, c) pouring wine down my throat straight from the box or d) all of the above
Tudo sobre apneia do sono
6 years ago
So far, so good. Right?
You see, this is why I told you to push back your feature. I'm always cool with you taking a break, just say so!!! [ps: thank you for all you do]
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