Rather than grade the pile of essays waiting for me, I discovered LOLCat bible translations. This might have just made my day (and I love the fact that most of the parents at my school would HATE these perhaps even more than the verses themselves)
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Genesis 18
From LOLCat Bible Translation Project
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1 Noaw Abraham waz chillin and TEH D00D waz liek "Oh Hai"
2 But wen Abraham waz 2 liek "Oh hai" ther waz 3 doodz and he waz leik "WTF" n he pwned hisself
3 He sed "D00d, Srsly, hang out
4 You can has water and rest
5 And you can haz cheezburgr." And 3 doodz sed "thas coo"
6 K so Abraham went to Sarah and waz liek "Maek som cookies!"
7 And he went to hiz cows and made teh best one teh ded 4 to eat
8 And he sed to 3 doodz "here, you can has"
9 N tehy wer liek "Wher ur woman?" And Abraham sed "ovar ther"
10 N sed "Srsly, when we com bak she gonna be teh preggers" Adn Sarah herd this
11 BTW: Abraham n Sarah wer teh OLD, Srsly, and Sarah waz to old 4 teh babyz
12 And Sarah LOLed and waz liek "WTF!? NO WAI! WE R TEH OLD!!11 LOL"
13 And TEH D00D sed 2 Abraham "WTF, Y she LOLed?
14 Nothin iz inposbell 4 TEH D00D, srsly, she gon be teh preggers!"
15 And Sarah waz liek "I no LOLed" Ann he waz liek "yea u did"
Tudo sobre apneia do sono
6 years ago
1 comment:
Loves it. I'm going to have to try that later. It's a hoot. And totally awesome.
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