Jim and I went to see Heavens at The Shelter last Thursday and the show fucking rocked. I lurrve Matt Skiba :) Mmm, boys with tattoos...er, yeah. So, the show was awesome, I got some good pics and my review and two of my photos is up at Revolt. Read it here. After Heavens was finished, my friend Harry got us into the New York Dolls show that was going on upstairs at St. Andrews. Talk about night and day...if downstairs was kids in black, lotsa tattoos and piercings, upstairs was, well, sort of trailer-park trash bleached blonde middle-aged women. The Dolls were cool though and Harry got me up front to get a few photos as well:) Fun night even if getting up for school (eek!) the next morning was rough. I'll post some photos from the show next time around, there are other photos that have priority right now...
Friday night I met Wife and we did MEGA shopping for the Pink party. I was totally frazzled though because I was supposed to meet her at Ikea but managed to leave the directions there in my classroom. Needless to say, I got lost on the way there and the traffic was horrible, so I was in a rotten mood. Luckily, a little time to calm down, some dinner and such helped eliminate the bad mood. While I should have gone home at that point, I ended up meeting Jon and Brandon for a few drinks in Ypsi. Because I really needed another late night.
Saturday was all about getting ready for the party. Amazingly, things were under control for the most part. Harry came over early and, luckily, most everything was done that could be done around then. We sat around and watched the U of M/OSU game (sniff, sniff) and then Husband and Wife came over. Once that happened, things went into fast-forward and before I knew it, guests were arriving. Everyone's costumes were awesome-we had Cate Blanchett, Christina Aguliera, Hunter Thompson, Phillip Seymour Hoffman (sp?), Gillian Anderson's stunt double, Toby Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, I was Amy Lee from Evanesence, we had Avril Lavigne and Bam Margera, and, perhaps the best costume duo of the night was Britney and K-Fed. Except our friend Aaron was Britney and Audrey was K-Fed. Awesome:) Ok, so a few photos from the night:

Can I just say I think this was the best party yet? Lots of food, drink and good people:) I think everyone had a good time, so, yay! Woot! However, I still think that it was a bit absurd that I had not one but TWO people who were AT the party text messaging me from across the room. Boys, you are ridiculous. You make my life very difficult.
Luckily for me it was only a two day week at school this week b/c I've been getting an average of four hours of sleep a night lately. Er, can we say burning the candle at both ends? Since Tuesday was Friday this week I ended up heading out to our usual place in Ypsi for drinks with Jon. Unfortunately, Brandon couldn't make it b/c the poor guy has to work three jobs...damn the teaching job situation here in Michigan!!
Some very good news yesterday...I PASSED MY COMPS! Woo hoo! If you recall, I was all stressed a few weeks ago about this horrible, awful 8 hour exam I had to fly down to DC to take. Well, I got my results yesterday and I passed and it is the BIGGEST relief ever. I wasn't at all sure if I passed that stupid test but now I can add yet another degree onto the pile:) Yay for that chapter being closed now.
Things still are complicated with a certain situation some of you know about. However, I had a lengthy conversation with Thomas last night and he offered me some pretty good advice as well as made me an offer I can't refuse. While on the one hand I think I'm an idiot for allowing him to make this situation a bit more complicated than it already is, I might also be stupid for not at least giving his idea a try. Yes, I'm being purposely vague. If you know what I'm talking about, good for you. If not, you probably aren't meant to know right now. Nonetheless, in typical Thomas fashion, he gave me an excellent quote that puts everything in perspective. We were talking about how sometimes it seems like situations can't get any worse, but actually they can, and here's how:
Life got you down? Seems like things can't get any worse? Just imagine your situation and something in it on FIRE. Pretty much anything on fire is worse:)
Words of wisdom to live by. Man, I love Thomas:) How profound!
Right, this has gone on long enough. Photos from Heavens to come. Until then, rock the fuck on and have a happy Thanksgiving!
Listening to: "Small Parts" The Oohlas!
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