My students are still amusing me though there are a few that are so squirrley (sp?) they make me a bit nuts. One student asked me to homecoming (cute, flattering, but of course I said no); I caught four cheating on homework, I already had a meeting with a parent and tomorrow is back to school night. The grading is piling up and I remembered that is the bit I hate about teaching. Ugh. I can't say I like this whole, getting up at 5:30 am thing either, but I'm nuts and like to get to school an hour early. Guess that bit is my own damn fault:)
As for the social side of things...last Friday I met up with Jim, Elana and a few other folks at Conor's for happy hour. Seeing as all I ate that day was a muffin, it didn't take long for the buzz to get going... Anywho, Jim and I then headed over to The Brown Jug for Shosh's b-day gathering. The Brown Jug on a Friday night during the first weeks of school (for U of M) was completely insane. I don't remember the last time I actually saw a line outside that place and, in a weird way, it made me feel old. Maybe I should just hang at places on the other side of State Street. It ended up being a Fleetwood kinda night and I got home around 2am which was a lot later than I'd planned on...

So, the reception was at the Inn I was staying at (an adorable Victorian mansion that was converted into a B & B) and it was a hoot. Lo had asked me to say a prayer at the beginning of dinner and though I was a little nervous, I was really honored that she asked me. The reception was on this patio outside the inn and the decorations were simple but beautiful. It was a small reception but, honestly, I thought it was a perfect size. I was actually able to hang with Lo quite a bit and we caught up on a lot, got pretty drunk, danced and generally had a really good time. I love her family, Gene is awesome and I can't wait to see them again:) It was such a fun party! I did come to the conclusion that if I ever get married, I'd want my reception to be like hers. It was awesome, fun, beautiful and simple. Perfect. Oh yeah, I was totally in love with the dress I got for the wedding too:) It was just one of those dresses that makes you feel good. I need more opportunities to wear it...
Needless to say, my weekend was shot, I got nothing done Sunday night by the time I got back from London and was exhausted and crabby on Monday, especially since I had to drive out to MSU for class that night. I'm feeling a bit better now, but still pretty damn tired. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the papers to grade, lessons to write, homework to do and reviews to write, but I think things will be ok. (My feature on Gatsby's American Dream should be up on Revolt sometime this week-I'll keep you posted. I got really great feedback from my editor on it, so I'm quite proud). Even though I should stay home this weekend, I'm hoping Jim and will be able to hang out, we've got lots of musical adventures coming up too (Heavens, Hawthorne Heights, Trey Anastasio, maybe Lady Sovereign...) which I'm very pscyhed about. I love having someone to go see music with!
Really quickly, in music news:
- MCR's first single for their new album is up on iTunes. Go get "Welcome to the Black Parade" and be happy:)
- Heaven's debut album came out yesterday (Heavens is Matt Skiba from Alkaline Trio's latest side project). It rocks. Go buy it.
- The Oohlas album is coming out soon...keep your eyes and ears peeled. There's some good buzz going on about that one.
Listening to: Heavens, Patent Pending
1 comment:
Hey hey! I've been a comment recluse lately, but I'm back! Wow- so, if you're teaching anyone 15/16 years old, they were born in the 90's. They were in diapers until about '92 or '93. They didn't start kindergarten until like '96. They won't start college until 2009. Many of them have never held a job. Most of them don't have licenses.
Yep. Good choice on not going to homecoming with the student. That date might have sucked a little.
Going back a couple posts - cool tatoo! I'm so not brave enough to get one- not because I think it would hurt, but I'm afraid I wouldn't like it, or that I would outgrow it. Kudos for not being wishy-washy like me. :)
Also- I must agree that Ok Go's treadmill video rocks.
Lastly, just want to reiterate - I love reading your blog! I may not post on mine/comment on others as often as I'd like to, but I have your blog & the adventures blog bookmarked, and reading your posts is the first thing that I do every morning! Write on!
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