So, people started rolling in around 7, I managed not to give anyone food poisoning and I think generally everyone had a good time (I suppose it's a good sign if the party began at 7 and people hung around till about 3am...) I had a blast and even though I am exhausted today (um, yeah, lots to drink and going to bed at 4am after drunkenly washing mountains of dishes tends to have that result) it was so worth it. I am totally going to do the Pink is the New Party party in the fall. Watch your email for deets (you know who you are).

As always with these kinds of things, a few important highlights are necessary. 1) Most games are even more fun when you've been drinking. Scrabble is no exception. Best of all is when you say to hell with the rules on the box and make up your own. We played "band/frame name scrabble" and, let's say, the results were interesting if not found in the dictionary. Did you know you only get four points for "snot"? Here's how the board looked at the end...
Also of note were a few quotes, which we all know, I tend to write down when drunk/drinking. Some of the best of the evening were:
- Cute like the Cold War.
- I know about culture. I've offended most of them.
- This is the sort of common sense you don't normally think of.
- That's better than calling your toilet "the ring of fire."
- We didn't drink the Everclear that day, we used it to clean the room.
- The truth hurts like that last coffin nail.

So, the fun and games are over for the time being, tomorrow I start one of my week-long, all-day, every-day classes at MSU. I'm not terribly looking forward to it, I figure it'll be somewhat dull, but I get 3 credits done in a week, so I can't complain about that. I won't mind the two weeks off from work either (of course the only problem is, when I don't work, I don't get paid, but I think the time away from that place will be a good thing). No call from the guy I went out with this week which I'm pretty bummed about, but I'm just trying to focus on what amazing friends I have and maybe someday the right guy will fall into place for me.
I probably won't have much time to post this week, so till next weekend, have a good one and get psyched for the Art Fair! Woo hoo!
Listening to Mass Romantic The New Pornographers
1 comment:
Aw, thanks! I feel terribly lucky, too (especially when I look and see what kinds of brothers-in-law Paul got! Haha!). I enjoyed our drunken chat, - I don't get enough girl talk - and can't wait for Art Fair!
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