But then The Subways came out and blew me away. They just ripped into their set, and were all over the place. I swear, Charlotte Cooper is so fucking cute I can hardly stand it. She was just this blur of bass, black sequins and blonde hair--I have no idea how she can play the bass and be bouncing all over the place like that, but she manages to do it all and just rock at the same time. Billy Lunn and Josh Morgan were totally great too (I couldn't really see Josh v. well--I was standing kinda far back and I'm too short, oh well). They ended with Rock & Roll Queen and the crowd went totally insane, mosh pit forming and all.
God, what a great show. I'd see them again in a second. They're going to be big. I'm telling you, it's the British Invasion all over again.
I got a few pics, they aren't great (again, I was kinda far back), but you get the idea.
Now I've got to go catch up on my sleep:)

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