I was pretty psyched for the Grammys, but oddly disappointed after the show. I was happy that U2 won a bunch of stuff but I wasn't terribly impressed with John Legend and I can't
stand Kanye West.

I felt oddly happy for Kelly Clarkston, mostly because she seemed genuinely overwhelmed when she won her first award of the night. I'm not crazy about her music, but she's kinda cute and has a certain naivite that most of the people she was competing against didn't have. Her dress was weird though. The bottom looked like a carpet or something.

It was cool that Gwen Stefani and Billie Joe Armstrong presented together, and I was really psyched that Green Day won a Grammy (and that they beat out Mariah Carey and Kanye West). I haven't been too crazy about Madonna's music lately, but, damn, got to give the woman credit. She looks fantastic. Should I be so lucky! I was curious to see how they'd do the opening number between Madonna and the Gorillaz, and it was sort of cool but not as cool as I'd expected. They made such a big deal out of the fact that Madonna was performing with an animated band but really, what it was was the Gorillaz playing part of "Feel Good, Inc." and then Madonna singing "Hung Up." It was advertised as a duet or something but really wasn't.

The only thing I didn't get about Madonna's outfit (well, besides the obvious, a purple leotard which would look hideous on anyone else but somehow works for her) was the capri-ish nylons she was wearing. I mean, the woman's got a great body, were the support hose (or whatever they were) really necessary??

Coldplay has gotten kind of annoying and I don't know what's up with Chris Martin's hair...with all the millons he's got, you think he could afford a haircut!
I was pretty disappointed that Fall Out Boy didn't win Best New Artist.

I definitely liked them best of all the nominees. I give John Legend credit though, don't get me wrong, he is a good musician. His stuff just doesn't thrill me, but oh well. I was happy that The White Stripes won for Best Alternative Music Album too. Yeah for Detroit! I guess the whole thing was interesting, but I feel there were better Grammy shows in the past. Most of the performances were ok, though some of them got a bit boring to be honest (was the 15 minute tribute to Sly and the Family Stone really necessary??) One performance that stood out was the smash-up by Jay-Z and Linkin Park "Numb/Encore"--that I really liked. Otherwise, it was a pretty typical awards show I guess.
Some good news, I got a writing job which I'm pretty psyched about. I'm going to be doing some reviews for a small music mag out of Chicago and I already have two bands to cover for the March issue. I don't get paid, but I do get free cd's and tix to shows (I'm already on the guest list for a show coming up at the Blind Pig--kinda cool to get to say "I'm on the guest list!") Heck, it'll be something to add to my resume and if it helps me get a good music journalism job down the line, all the better! Happy, happy! Yeah for it almost being the weekend too:)
Huzzah! Congrats on the job! You'll have to let us know once you're published... and hey, don't you get extra credit in your journalism classes for that?
Woot! Congrats on the job! Now if only they were paying you with million dollar bills instead of CDs and tickets..... oooh- or paying you in puppys- you'd be able to get into even more concerts with puppys! I mean, what bouncer could resist a hot girl with a puppy? Not this one. (Of course, I'm not a real bouncer- unless we count the Pogoball from the 80's)
Anyways- thats really cool! So since you are authoring your own stories, and getting published in a magazine.... do I get to say that I know a published author?
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