Thanks to Wife for reminding me of something about my classes at MSU. I'm taking two classes, one (Journalism 200) is required and is the first undergrad class I've taken in about six years. I'm not too worried about it, I figure I'll learn some stuff and it shouldn't be too terribly hard, especially compared to things like my Renaissance Lit class from last spring. Here's the thing though, I'm in a class comprised entirely of college sophomores. I am almost 10 years older than a lot of them. We are in entirely different phases of life. I've got two BA's, a MA, a teaching certificate (however worthless it may be) and 30 credits of doctoral work. They haven't even got one degree yet. Anyways, here's the thing. I just knew that the first day of class we'd have to do the typical introductions. My dilemma was, do I tell the truth and immediately distance myself from the other students. Do I tell an outright lie and make up some fantastic story about being a junior from some podunk town in the middle of nowhere. Do I only tell the partial truth, something like, I've switched programs from English to journalism without bothering to mention that I've got a few degrees in English... I honestly wasn't sure what to do and figured I wouldn't know what approach I'd take 'till I opened my mouth to answer in class.
Well, I decided to go with the truth. If I shocked 'em, scared them or they think I'm a total loser, it's done. They know the gory truth (or at least part of it)... Well, I may be a heck of a lot older than them, but I can have a car on campus and they can't ;)
Tudo sobre apneia do sono
6 years ago
Plus, you're a Michigan grad, you can buy your own booze... at least thinking from their perspective, you've already got a quite a few things up on them ;)
Heh, heh, I guess that just shows how old I am (yeah, that's semi sarcastic)...I don't think about the fact that I'm legal to buy booze and they aren't:) so, yeah, U of M grad, have a car on campus and I can buy alcohol. I'm WAY up on them:)
(well, although, after having drunk too much tonight, I don't feel so up on them...)
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