So, MCR...they played every song off of "Three Cheers" and a bunch of songs off of "I Brought You My Bullets". They pretty much played non-stop with very little talking between songs which was good. I kind of thought that Green Day did too much talking and not enough playing. I mean, I love Green Day and agree with a lot of Billie Joe Armstrong's political views, but I paid to hear them sing, not talk (or at least not talk too much). MCR went right from one song into the next, though Gerard Way did stop at one point to ask a member of their road crew to come out and make an announcement. Turns out his announcement was to propose to his girlfriend! It was really kind of cute and the crowd went crazy which was cool. God, they were fantastic, I'd see them again in a second. I just can't get over how high-energy the whole thing was, practically electric. Yeah i was a dork and sang along, was hoarse the next day from it, but it was definitely worth it. I really hope they come back to Michigan sometime relatively soon, they were awesome. Ok, and for the really embarassingly girly moment--yeah, Gerard and Mikey Way and Frank Iaro are all totally hot and I've seen them live. Right, enough of that, I've embarassed myself enough for now:)

Suffice to say, you should go see My Chemical Romance & Alkaline Trio. You may be surrounded by teenage girls but they give a fantastic show. Well worth the money!! Check these albums out: MCR "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge"; MCR "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love" and Alkaline Trio "Crimson"--all available in the iTunes music store. Happy listening!
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