I just got word that one of the girls I'd gone to FGR with committed suicide on Friday. She and I had lost contact after we graduated, but were relatively close while in high school. We were on the tennis team together, in drama productions together and were part of the same group of friends. She transferred in at the same time I did (the beginning of junior year) and I think us "newbies" bonded together somewhat based on that. I heard that she'd had a lot of difficulties lately and some tragic events of her own to deal with, but I don't know many of the details. Nonetheless, this news has shaken me pretty badly. I've never been in this situation before and am not sure what to think of the whole thing in some ways. It seems so unreal to me that someone my age, someone I knew and went to school with (and we were a very small school, so everyone knew everyone) killed herself. To feel that hopeless and that alone...it's so sad. I guess you just don't think that someone you know/knew would be in that situation.
It's so sad. She must have been hurting so much. Her family must be in such pain right now. I can't even begin to imagine.
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6 years ago