- Paying more attention in math/science/history class
- Not majoring in English
- Majoring in something that actually pays well/is respected
- Going out of state for undergrad instead of staying here
- Going to grad school for something more respected than english lit
- Not dating someone you dated
- Dating someone you didn't date
- Going abroad
- Not going abroad
- Being more outgoing
- Not being afraid of what other people think
- Participating in something new/out of the comfort zone
- Being happier just with the way things are
- Realizing a dream when you actually were young enough to do something about it
- Dropping negative people from your life sooner
- Realizing those people were negative influences
- Working out more
- Eating better
- Not letting yourself be walked on
- Following through with something instead of quitting
- Moving
- Not moving
- Saying what you really think instead of letting it fester
Tudo sobre apneia do sono
6 years ago