The saving grace of this whole thing is that the class is really helpful and my instructor is very good. I walked out the first day with a huge pile of books (for free) including the newest edition of "A Writer's Reference" and a brand new copy of the AP textbook I'll be using this year, which I didn't already have (yeah, I'm a nerd for getting excited about free textbooks!) The days are long and draining, but I think this will be well worth the time once school starts.
Speaking of school, I got our opening week's calendar in the mail today. It kind of makes me want to cry...I don't want summer to be over. I feel like it's flown by. Usually by the beginning of August I'm getting stir-crazy and ready for school to start but this summer I feel like I didn't fit in all the goofing off that I had planned, so knowing that school starts on the 20th is rather depressing.
And, as if this week wasn't nuts enough as it was with driving to Oakland U, I also am covering the Motion City Soundtrack/The Forecast/Hard Lessons show tomorrow night at St. Andrews (sold out, but I'm "on the list" and have a photo pass courtesy of Victory Records). Then Friday night is Kelly and Martin's party and another Hard Lessons show at The Elbow Room. Saturday is the big b-day bash for Wife and Jon. Whew...exhausting.
Backtracking for a moment though, Jon and I went to Warped on Friday and, even though I had a photo pass which was very cool, the lineup this year sucked. There are a few good bands on the lineup, but (of course) they weren't playing the Detroit date. After waking up to pouring rain that morning, the day became ungodly hot and humid and the trip to Comerica took 2 hours. I did see and shoot Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Hawthorne Heights and Mustardplug but I just could not get excited about most of the other acts and those I did have a desire to see, I've seen at least twice before. With the heat, lackluster lineup and crowds, we decided to take off early. It was honestly a very disappointing Warped, last year's was much better. Here's hoping next year's will be a vast improvement. I did at least get some cool photos, so it wasn't a total wash.
Time for bed.