I'm not usually too keen on those 700 question-type surveys that are all over MySpace, but this one amused me. Give it a try and let me know what you come up with:)
Put your mp3 player on shuffle, and list the first ten songs.
First Song: It’s My Life (No Doubt)
Second Song: New Orleans Instrumental No. 1 (REM)
Third Song: Pale September (Fiona Apple)
Fourth Song: Mandinka (Sinead O’Connor)
Fifth Song: Meaning in Tragedy (As I Lay Dying)
Sixth Song: Stellar (Incubus)
Seventh Song: Pumpkin (Tricky)
Eighth Song: Once (Pearl Jam)
Ninth Song: Drown (Smashing Pumpkins)
Tenth Song: Smashed into Pieces (Silverstein)
Time to see what they mean to you!
Who does song 1 remind you of? For some reason it reminds me of PICS, I don’t think we ever practiced to it, so I’m not sure why…
What part of your life does song 2 describe the best? Um, the chill moments?
If you could dedicate song 3 to someone, who would it be? Ryan
Does Song 4's lyrics mean anything to you personally? No
Why do you like song 5? I think it kind of represents my musical growth lately (or something like that). Plus, I like the name of the band.
When did you first start listening to the artist of song 6? When my ex sent me the lyrics to this song back when we were dating.
How many albums do you have from the artist of song 7? One (Maxinquaye)
How are number 8 and 9 similar? They both start out pretty mellow & slow but get a lot harder as the songs progress. Both came out around the same time too-1991 and 1992.
What is number 10's meaning? Basically, about wanting to rip your heart out to stop the pain after someone has broken it (happy stuff)
What song out of the 10 is your favorite? Right now, Silverstein
What song out of the 10 is your least favorite? New Orleans Instrumental
Which song means the most to you and why? Probably “Stellar.” I guess it just reminds me of how my ex had good taste in music, and that’s pretty hard to find.
Would you dedicate any of these to your love/crush? I’m not sure if any of them are really appropriate (Stellar would be, but I wouldn’t re-use it!)
Would you dedicate any of these to your enemy? Pearl Jam
Do these top ten songs fairly reflect your music collection? Pretty much, I’m kinda all over the place and my collection shows that.