Happy Halloween! Well, 'twas a good weekend. Friday I had the day off because I bailed out of the staff "retreat" (hey, they treat me like a temp, I AM a temp, why should I go to a retreat that I wasn't really invited to anyways nor do I care about?? I mean, really, what would you pick: a day off to sleep late and goof off OR a day of touchy-feely crap with a bunch of co-workers whom you could care less about (at least most of them)?? Not too tough a decision really.) Yeah, so Friday I had off and my parents headed to Indiana around noon, so I had most of the day to myself. I can't say I did anything terribly exciting, worked on my costume, watched "The Big Lebowski" (funny and I'd never seen it before) and the original "Psycho". Frankly, I was a bit disappointed in "Psycho". It wasn't all that scary even in a psycho-thriller kind of Hitchcockian way and I've seen other Hitchcock movies that were much more suspenseful. Oh well.
Saturday I finished work on my costume, practiced guitar, ran errands, and went to Husband and Wife's halloween party. It was a good time and there were certainly some entertaining costumes! Wife went as Billie Joe Armstrong which was hilarious, Husband was a bike messenger that got hit by a car, then there was Superman, Kryptonite, a bloke in drag, a couple that had just finished madly making out and/or having sex, and a king. Lots of yummy food and drinks were had (of course) and I was pretty pleased with my costume on the whole. I decided to go as Helena from My Chemical Romance's video for "Helena". I don't know how much I actually looked like her but it was fun to put the costume together and wear weird makeup. Here's a photo:

Pretty creepy, yeah? Sunday was far from exciting so I won't even bore you with the details. I really loved having the house to myself...is that awful of me? Oh well, can't help the way I feel. I had my second interview with AMG today, it went well but I won't hear anything from them till next week. I REALLY WANT THIS JOB! PLEASE let this work out finally! Aargh, I wonder if I should do some sort of a dance or make a sacrifice or something to get it... :) Just kidding (well, mostly kidding).
Rest of the week should be pretty dull...oh well. Such is life.
Fingers crossed!
P.S. Happy B-day to Frank Iero from MCR! Maybe it's weird wishing somebody you don't know a happy b-day, but hey, everybody needs birthday wishes :)